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Tool string depth and tension are readily consumable gauges of the progress and status of logging operations. During logging operations, local JRSO convention widely distributes Schlumberger winch position (WPS) data via RigWatch displays. 


Schlumberger provides JRSO with winch position (WPS) telemetry. JRSO (and previously LDEO) implemented software system Software systems have (repeatedly) been implemented to make that data more widely available. The JRSO present "SLB to RW system" converts Schlumberger WPS protocol data to WITS. The WITS data is passed to RigWatch.

The system SLB to RW is presently running hosted on a Dell laptop (aka SHIP-DAQ). The software system processes WPS telemetry through three serial devices:


(As seen above) the "Advanced Settings" for COM ports allows an administrative account to change the assigned COM port number. Re-assign COM ports sparingly. Each change breaks communications for current operations, and requires a reboot restart of the systemhost computer

PuTTY serial communications


That "seen once" was corrected by a restart of RigWatch. Not a desirable activity during rig-floor operations and continuous data collection.


20210803 df Adapt Schlumberger Winch Data transfer to RigWatch System (SLB to RW) document to this form.


20210720 df Delivered winch telemetry over the Dell 53043. Demonstrated workable.

20210718 df, nl Commit to rebuilding winch telemetry on new hardware. Selected the ruggedized Dell (53043), though any of the others would suffice.

  • Repeated install and rollback attempts with the NI PXI-8106 embedded controller led to the realization that its on-board network controller is failing.
  • The device has been carried forward as a one-off without spares for some time.