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The Core Description technician shares his/her duties between the Core Lab and Core Description. For details on the Core Lab duties, refer to the Core Lab SOP.


  • See General JRSO Shipboard Technical Staff SOP.
  • New hires should be trained to use the software packages used in the core description work flow: DESClogik, LIME, Sample Master, LORE, LIVE, Thin Section Report Writer and Builder, Value List Builder Excel Macro, ImageCapture, SPOT, SEMUploader,  and Strater (eventually). The DESClogik training modules found in the "All things DESClogik" folder on IODP share server cover the majority of this information.
  • New hires should also see the list of links to core description google sites at the end of this SOP. These sites contain workflows, value lists, component definitions, and many more, useful bits of information.
  • Your main task will be generating expedition specific templates in DESClogik and training the science party on all the relevant software.  DESClogik templates are usually as follows: A macroscopic template for core description, a microscopic template for smear slide (SS) and thin section (TS) descriptions, and paleontology  specific templates for each discipline, e.g. plantonik forams.
