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M. Hastedt


Crawford, Fulton, Beck

Supervisor Approval (Name, Title, Date):



Scientists and Technical Staff

Current Version:

V378P V383P | Draft 11/01/08 LLP


Draft 16/717/2019




Section Half Imaging


  • Installing and calibrating light array (see Light InstallationArray User Guide).
  • Setting black and white saturation gain levels (see Maximum Dynamic Sensor Range).
  • Setting color balance Author: Where is this covered?
  • Making camera corrections (see Routine Camera Adjustments).
  • Setting track velocity (see Track Speed Example).
  • Adjusting knee slope, if needed (see Procedure: Iterative Adjustment).
  • Performing QA/QC to confirm camera settings (see Quality Assurance/Quality Control).


Adjust measurement parameters before beginning measurements. Users can adjust the RGB settings and camera speed.


Camera Speed

Start A Measurement

  1. Click the green 'Start' Button in the 'IMS Control' panel.
  2. The 'Sample Information' Window will pop up (FIGURE XX).

  3. The area on the left has four fields to define the condition of the sample measurement:
    1. Image Type: 'Section Imaging' or '360 Imaging'. For instructions on the 360 imaging refer to XXXXXX
    2. Wet/Dry: Indicates the type of the material being imaged
    3. Condition: 'Pristine' or 'Sampled/Altered'. Sampled/altered could include imaging the working half or a highly disturbed section. Most instances should be pristine.
    4. 360 Imaging: This area is grayed out unless '360 Imaging' Image Type is selected. For instructions on the 360 imaging refer to XXXXXX


  • LabVIEW: NI-IMAQ3_error_codes.xls
  • JAI camera: CV-107CL manual.pdf
  • Microscan barcode imager: MS4manual.pdf
  • Advanced Illumination
    • Controller: AIcontroller.pdf
    • Lights: LL068.pdf
  • Galil
  • Motors: Blm_n23.pdf
  • Software: wsdk.pdf
  • Controllers: man19540.pdf
  • Amplifiers: man18x-6.pdf
  • Newall
    • Linear encoder: Newall_linear_encoder.pdf
    • Wiring diagram: Encoder_Connections.xls
    • ImCheck manual: Imcheck_Guide_V1.pdf

APPENDIX A: RGB Calculation

APPENDIX B: VCD-S Configuration:

"Scratch sheets" are printouts of section half images produced by SHIL. The sheet is a LabVIEW VI with embedded images that can print automatically when a user 'saves' an image. The VI is scaled to print SHIL images correctly on 11x17" paper in portrait orientation. The scratch sheet can be customized to include various columns to capture descriptions or drawings on paper. The goal of this guide is to instruct how to use and customize scratch sheets.

Data Structure

Each scratch sheet template is it's own VI. Each VI has to have the same root name "VCDS_SHLF". You may add any additional naming after this root name as long as the root remains unmodified.

  • Files must be located in C: > IMS10 > RESOURCES > VCD-S_TEMPLATE on the SHIL computer. Do not alter this file path, it is currently hard-coded in the software.
  • To temporarily temporarily disable a scratch sheet version, simply put some characters in front of the root name. These files can be moved to C: > IMS10 > Resources > Templates Old

IMS Configuration

  1. To access the scratch sheet configuration options, click the Instruments button and follow the menu down to VCDS Setup (fig. 1).
  2. The parameter screen will then display (fig. 2). Several configurable options appear:
    • Format: choose between Side by Side or Section Half scratch pages
    • Expedition ID: Enter the name of the Current Expedition. This prints on the scratch sheet.
    • SHLF Form Folder: currently hard-coded to C:\IMS10\RESOURCES\VCD-S_TEMPLATE
    • Print VCDS: Enables or disables automatic printing of the scratch sheet. When the button says 'enable auto print' scratch sheets will automatically print when an image is saved.
    • Archive File: Button enables disables saving scratch pages to the hard drive. All files are saved in .PNG format. If button says 'Do not save file to archive' files will not be saved.
    • Section ID: insert your expeditions name here which will appear in the top right corner of every scratch sheet along with the Text ID of the section half.
    • Test Image and Test Print: Allows prints of images already on the computer or in the database to see the scratch sheet. Use the folder icon to the right of 'Test Image' to browse to a section half image of your choice. This image will be embedded into your chosen scratch page mode. Click the 'Test Print' button to send it to the printer.
    • Save Values: saves any modifications to parameters.
    • Cancel: does not save parameter modifications and reverts back to prior settings.

      Image AddedImage Added

Editing Scratch Sheet in LabVIEW

  1. Navigate to C: > IMS-10 > Resources > Templates and double-click a VI to open it in LabVIEW.
  2. The front panel will open. Edits can be made to the objects on the white space. Editing the white or gray areas could affect scaling of the image, ruler, or print layout
    • The main layout consists of an outermost borderless white box that indicates the printable area that is available.
    • The leftmost gray column is a control for the section-half image and the ruler; do not make alterations in this area. There are two additional controls that feed the scratch page titles on the top left and right sides (fig. 4). These are not immediately visible when editing the layout on the front panel though. If you are not very familiar with LabVIEW please see a developer for help. The title controls can be moved, but it is up to you to remember where you put them!
  3. All other column widths and headers are available for editing/resizing. If you need more columns simply select one, then copy/paste as you would in any standard graphics program and resize things to fit within the outermost white box. Maintain the vertical scaling of all columns to match that of the ruler/image column on the left. Header blocks are just boxes that can be copied and resized as well.

How to Make Edits

  1. Navigate to the 'View' Button on the toolbar. Select the 'Tools Palette' Option (Figure XX)

    Image Added
  2. The Tools Palette window will appear (Figure XX). This allows you to select objects.

    Image Added