Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Situations may arise where a JPEG correction should be applied. In the instance of very white or very dark cores, the TIFF images may look good but the JPEG images may look washed out or too dark to view details. JPEG corrections do not alter TIFF image settings. To apply a JPEG Correction follow the steps below:

1.   Click JPEG Correction Mode 


4. If the values all look good and there are no streaking issues in the images or other unwanted artifacts, you can click Save and no further adjustments are needed. Calibration is complete.

Check on Calibrated Computer

Check the final scan:

1. To double check your calibration under the same scanning conditions as the scientists see, scan an image of the 3D standard without the color checker box selected.

2. Click Crop and Click Save

3. Copy the image to a shared network folder to view on a calibrated computer screen in the Imaging Office. Images located in the C:/DATA/IN/IMAGE folder.

4. Open the TIFF and JPEG in Photoshop in the Imaging Office (calibrated computer).

5. Visually examine each file you just preformed to ensure the colors, neutrals, mid-tone and contrast are true to the real values, and that the scan is free from artifacts. Use the eyedropper tool in photoshop to see the values of pixels (Fig. ## Figure needs to be added).

Camera Height Adjustment

1. Move the camera so it is just on the edge of the grayscale card at the end on the tray. On this card are mm and cm marks on the edge. 

2. Click the GRAB button and watch the image as you make slow camera position adjustments until the centimeter lines show up on the image graph as sharp spikes.

3. The graph as two cursors, use the mouse and drag one cursor aligning it with the spike. Take the second cursor and do the same with an adjacent spike. Just above the Profile graph there is a control labelled Pixel Delta this value should be between 198 and 202 pixels.  If not, adjust the camera (not lights up and down refocusing after every move until you get within the range.  Warning this can be very tedious!

Check on Calibrated Computer

1.Take, crop, and save another test image now that all corrections have been applied. Use the same procedure to take an image as described in the section: Take an Image

2. Copy the image to a shared network folder to view on a calibrated computer screen in the Imaging Office.


Color Balancing Camera - Old Method MacBeth Color Checker Card

1.Make sure the lens is focused. To focus the camera the lights need to be on and the camera over the section grayscale card or calibration card.
