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Table of Contents

I. Introduction

The section half image logger (SHIL) takes digital images of the flat face of split cores using a line scan camera and generates RGB data. All 'Archive' section halves are imaged on the SHIL. Sediment cores are imaged as soon as possible after splitting and scraping to minimize color changes that occur through oxidation and drying. The SHIL can also be used to image the outside of a whole round hard rock section (see section 360° Imaging Hard Rock for details).


III. Uploading Data to LIMS

A. Data Upload Procedure

To upload the images into the database (LIMS) MegaUploadaTron (MUT) program must be running in background.

If not already started do the following:

  1. On the desktop click the MUT icon on the bottom task bar (Figure 53) and login with ship credentials. The LIMS Uploader window will appear (Figure 54).
  2. Once activated, the list of files from the C:\DATA\IN directory is displayed. Files are marked ready for upload by a green check mark.

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Figure 53. MUT icon

Figure 54. LIMS Uploader window

3. To manually upload files, check each file individually and clip upload. To automatically upload files, click on the Automatic Upload checkbox. The window can be minimized and MUT will be running in the background.

4. If files are marked by a purple question mark or red and white X icons, please contact a technician.
    Purple question mark: Cannot identify the file.

    Red and white X icons: Contains file errors.

5. Upon upload, data is moved to C:\DATA\Archive. If upload is unsuccessful, data is automatically moved to C:\DATA\Error. Please contact the PP technician is this occurs.

MUT Configuration

File Path


Figure 55. Select Set active analyses on MUT

Data File Formats

Two files are uploaded to LORE via MegaUploadaTron (MUT):


Figure 56. Select to preserve a digital copy of VCD-S

B. View and Verify Data

Data Available in LIVE

The data measured on each instrument can be viewed in real time on the LIMS information viewer (LIVE).

Choose the appropriate template (Ex: IMAGES_All), Expedition, Site, Hole or the needed restrictions and click View Data. The requested data will be displayed. You can travel in them by clicking on each of each core or section, which will enlarge the image.

Data Available in LORE

Each data set is written to a file by section. These reports are found under the Images heading and include: Core composites (COREPHOTO), core sections (LSIMG) and whole-round sections (WRLSC). The expanded reports include the linked original data files and more detailed information regarding the measurement.

Sample and Analysis Components


  • These lights can get hot if the cooling fans are not used (cooling fans work automatically when lights come one). The temperature is shown on the LED read out above the camera and is set to maintain a temperature of 30 °C. During a section scan, the temperature will range between 30 and 35 °C. If Temperature goes above 50°C an alarm will sound. Caution is needed during the calibration process because the lights are stationary and remain on for much longer (during calibration the user controls Lights On/Lights Off). You can use the manual power switch to turn the lights on and off or the buttons in the software (the calibration procedure below uses the buttons in software).  Use the heat resistant grey silicone mat for the shading and pixel corrections. Do not use the plastic Gray card. Make sure the temperature is maintained between 30 and 35°C for calibration (to match temperature of lights during imaging of a section).
  • Never look at the LEDs directly. Even the reflected light can be painful. When working under the track make sure that the power is off.
  • NOTE: if you are concerned with the heat dissipation on the core surface, you can use our FLIR cameras to confirm that the temperature is ok.
  • Do not put your hands in or near the moving equipment. The actuators will torque out when impeded but injury could occur before that happens. Hardware abort buttons are located at both ends of the system for an emergency stop.
  • Take care when working inside the electronics enclosure to avoid shocks from the power supply terminals.

Pollution Prevention

This procedure does not generate heat or gases and requires no containment equipment.

A.2 Maintenance and Troubleshooting


B.1 IMS Program Structure

a) IMS Program Structure

IMS is a modular program. Individual modules are as follows:

  • Config Files: Unique for each track. Used for initialize the track and set up default parameters.
  • Documents: Important Information related with configuration setup.
  • Error: IMS error file.
  • FRIENDS: Systems that use IMS but don't use DAQ Engine.
  • IMS Common: Programs that are used by different instruments.
  • PLUG-INS: Code for each of the instruments. 
  • Projects: Main IMS libraries.
  • Resources: Other information and programs needed to run IMS.
  • UI: User Interface
  • X-CONFIG: .ini files, specifics for each instrument.
  • MOTION plug-in: Codes for the motion control system.
  • DAQ Engine: Code that organizes INST and MOTION plug-ins into a track system.

The IMS Main User Interface (IMS-UI) calls these modules, instructs them to initialize, and provides a user interface to their functionality.

b) Communication and Control Setup


Data communication and control is USB based and managed via National Instrument’s Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI-MAX). When you open NI-MAX and expand the Device and Interface section.  The correct communications setup can be found at IMS Hardware Communications Setup.

B.2 Motion Control Setup

The track's push system consists of a NSK linear actuator driven by Schneider Electric stepping motor: MDrive23. The MDrive 23 is a high torque 1.8º integrated motor-driver-controller that connects to the PC via USB-RS485 cable. An IODP-built interface board (Figure 57) provides power control, emergency, limit/home switches, specialty I/O connections, and status lights. With the exception of a built in "Home" function, the MDive's IMS motion software module provides direct control of the motor's functions. The motor can be installed directly out of the box without any special preparation.

At IMS launch, a series of commands are sent to place the motor into a known state and then to search for the home switch and zero the encoder's position out put.

It is assumed that the hardware has been installed correctly and powered up. On the very first launch, a set of default values will be loaded that should get the track safely running. BUT BE READY to kill the motion using the Emergency-Stop button. Generally, a run-off is caused by incorrect scaling factors for the gear ratio, screw pitch, and or encoder counts per revolution. Setting these up correctly usually correct the issue.

Note: If the motor fails to initialize or locate the home switch, then an error will be reported. At this point, access the motion control utilities for trouble shooting. The START button will not appear and measurements are prevented.

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Figure 57. Interface board for motion control.

MDrive Setup

Select Setup from the Motion menu bar for MDrive Motion control window (Figure 58).

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Figure 58. MDrive Motion Control window.

Track Options

Click Motor and Track Options to open the Track Motor Setup (Figure 59). Here is where the relationship between motor revolutions and linear motion of the track is defined.

Select Axis: In the case of the WRMSL and STMSL, it is always X.

Encoder Pulses/rev: Defined by the manufacturer of the MDrive as 2048.

Screw Pitch: Defined by the NSK actuator manufacturer as 2 cm/screw revolution.

Gear Ratio: In the current configuration, this is 4 to 1 but it can be changed.

Direction: The WRMSL is a right-hand track and a CCW rotation moves the pusher in a positive (from home to end of track) direction. The STMSL is a left-hand track so this value is set to CW. Now both are set as CCW.

Click Motion Utility to test these settings.
Click Accept to save the values or Cancel to return to the previous values.

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Figure 59. Track Motor Setup window.

Fixed Positions

Click Fixed Positions to open the Track Configuration window (Figure 60). In this window, define fixed track locations (Figure 61) used by IMS and enable the top of section (TOS) switch and the runout switch (ROS).

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Figure 60. Track Configuration window.

Select Axis: In the case of the WRMSL and STMSL it is always X.
Max Section Length: Maximum length of section that can be placed in the track and still expect the track to handle and measure correctly. This value is set to 160 cm.
Track length: Distance in cm between the limit switches. Use the motion Utility to determine this value. This value is set to 200 cm.
Load and Unload: Offset in cm where the track will stop when ready to load a new section of core. In the case of both the WRMSL and STMSL, this the same as the home switch.
Top-of-Section Switch: THIS MUST ALWAYS BE enabled! The IMS software uses this switch to determine the physical length of the section, which is critical to the calculations that move the cores through the sensor. Without a TOS switch, the track is not functional.
Top-of-Section Switch Offset: Distance in cm from the home switch to the TOS switch. There is a utility under the DAQ > Find Top-of-Section Switch menu that will determine this value based on the current DAQ Move motion parameters (discussed in this section). ANY change in the motion profile requires that this utility be run because the final position (where the pusher bar stops) changes.
Push Past: The offset from the TOS where the pusher should stop. This value set the maximum measurement interval but MUST be several centimeters less than the distance from the TOS to the limit switch.
Fast Past: Distance the pusher will move at a higher speed before slowing down to find the TOS switch. This value MUST be several centimeters less than the distance from the TOS to the maximum section length with the pusher arm in the home position.
Run Out Switch: Switch at the end of the track that when enabled pauses the motion, preventing the section from being pushed onto the floor.

Click Motion Utility to test these settings. Click Accept to save the values or Cancel to return to the previous values.

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Figure 61. Schematic of fixed positions.

Limit and Home Switches

Click Limit and Home Switches to open Limit & Home Switches window (Figure 62).

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Figure 62. Limit & Home Switches window.

Select Axis: In the case of the WRMSL and STMSL it is always X.

The MDrive can be used with either a dedicated Home switch or a limit switch as a home switch. These tracks use the dedicated Home switch. Select the appropriate setup for the track in use. Use the Utilities to execute the Home command and verify the correct setting. If the home switch position of detection edge changes, verify the instrument offsets and relocate the TOS switch are still correct. Setting the edge from CW to CCW will change the offset by a least 1 cm.

Click Motion Utility to test these settings.
Click Accept to save the values or Cancel to return to the previous values.

Motion Profiles

Click Motion Profiles to open Motion Profiles window (Figure 63).  The profiles are used to set the speed and acceleration profiles used by the track.

Setting the correct values for the motion profile takes a little experimentation to make the track run efficiently and safely.

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Figure 63. Motion Profile window.

DAQ Move: This profile controls moves between measurement positions. Set this to a reasonable speed with gradual acceleration so the pusher does not bump the sections.
Limit Seek: This profile finds the limit switch locations. Do not exceed 5 cm/sec and use a large deceleration value or the core could overrun the limit switch and hit the mechanical stop.
Home Final: This profile finds the final location of the home switch. Do not exceed 1 cm/sec and use a large deceleration value.
Load/Unload: This profile moves the pusher back to the load position. Set this to a reasonable but high speed with gradual acceleration and deceleration values. Setting this too slow will waste time, but keep safety in mind.
Push-Slow: This profile allows the pusher to move the new section into contact with the previous section and to locate the top of section. Use a speed a little less than the DAQ Move speed with slightly lower acceleration and deceleration values.
Push-Fast: This profile allows the pusher to move quickly to the TOS switch. Typically, it is set the same as the Load/Unload values.
User Define: This profile is used for testing only in the Motion Utilities program.

Click Motion Utility to test these settings.
Click Accept to save the values or Cancel to return to the previous values.

C.1 Hardware

The core imaging track system includes the following hardware components:
