Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Position: This is the position of the sample in the loading magazine in the D4, from A1–A6 to K1–K6.
  • Sample ID: Scan in the label for your sample here. The only format that MegaUploadaTron (MUT) will recognize is Site_Core_Top offset_Bottom offset_TextID (e.g., U1481A_32R4_91_92_QRND8021751). The barcode scanner in the XRD Laboratory is programmed to scan in this exact format including underscores. For special treatments such as clay, glycol or heat treated you must include the treatment in the file name. Add the treatment in the following way U1565A_1R1_3_4_clay_WDGE11053881.
  • Parameter File: This is a premade DQL file that sets the conditions under which samples will be scanned. Access the file by clicking on the "Open Directory" button (Figure 24D) This directs you to the Control Panel. Follow the path "Local Disk C: > DIFFDAT1. This has a list of all the parameter files from previous expeditions. Select the one that is best suited for your scan parameters.
  • Raw File: Sets the location where the results will be saved. Set the location by clicking on the three dots at the end of the cell. Then follow the path "Local Disk C: > DATA > IN". Copy the sample ID into the "Open" line in the window. The sample ID and the name entered into the "IN" Folder must be identical or else the information will not be stored correctly.


When the scans have finished, the results will show up in the "DATA > IN" folder. Two additional file types will need to be made by you before uploading the data to the LIMS database. The D4 outputs a RAW file and we create a UXD and PNG file. In addition to the LIMS upload, it is also helpful to create an XRD Data folder for the scientists in DATA (\\NOVARUPTA)(S:> Uservol > 1Lab_C_Sedimentology_Petrology) that has a File Name) to save copy of the RAW and UXD files (or any file the scientist would like to have access to). After all three file types (RAW, UXD, and PNG) have been made, they can be uploaded to the LIMS database through MUT.


First, direct where the new files should be saved and select the converted file type. On the right side, click on the file type dropdown menu (Figure 26C) and select "UXD". Then double click on the DATA folder (Figure 26D) and direct files to the "IN" Folder.
Move to the left side of the screen and select your input files. Select the file type (Figure 26A) "Raw". Click on the DATA folder (Figure 26B) and go to the "IN" folder. Here you will see all your samples. Select all the samples and then click the "Convert" button (Figure 26E) on the bottom right of the screen.
The new UXD files will show up on both sides and you can close down the program.


The XRD files are uploaded using the MegaUploadaTron 5000 program. Three files are needed for each scan (RAW, UXD., and PNG):

  1. Open the uploader. Make sure the correct Expedition is selected or else your data will not upload properly. Samples that have all three of the necessary files (RAW, UXD and PNG) will have green check marks next to them. A purple question mark indicates that one or more file types is missing for a sample or something else is not quite right. Investigate furtherMake sure the name of the file is the same for each. If you have issues uploaded contact one of the software application developers onboard. "Check all the files you wish to upload and then click "Upload." Green and orange arrows will pop up next to the samples while MUT is uploading them. When finished uploading, the samples move out of the uploader and from the "IN" folder to the "Archive" folder on C:\DATA. Any problematic samples will either remain in the uploader with a question mark or move to the "Error" folder, again you may need to notify a programmer to help remediate uploading issues.
  2. Check that the files moved into the archive directory and uploaded into the LIMS database.

If you are running clay samples you will end up with multiple runs that have the same sample info.  To make sure we can differentiate this in the database you must add extra text before the TextID so that it looks like these examples.  Do this step when entering the sample name in the Bruker software so that it gets included in the metadata of the file.  MUT will recognize the files written this way as long as there is are all the needed file types with matching file names.  However, only one .jpg file is allowed per TextID, so a .jpg of the combined pre and post heated scans was uploaded.
