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Click 'Save' in the lower right portion of the screen. There is no confirmation that the information has been saved. If you do not click 'Save' the information will revert back to the prior run and there will be two measurements with the same name. The measurements are parsed by time so measurements will not overwrite one another there will just be multiple measurements with the same information.

Fill out LogSheet 

Remember to manually fill out the LogSheet as you are naming your measurement. LogSheets can be downloaded here XRF Log Sheet Template.xlsx

pXRF Instrument Set up 

Now that a Cal Check has been performed and the sample information is updated you can start measuring. 

pXRF Instrument Set up 

Take the gun out of the stand and either attach it to the Flex Stand base (Figure 11b) and snap in the sample chamber (Figure 11a) into the nose of the gun for discrete measurements (Figure 11-1). For section half measurements (Figure 11-2) set the gun on the leaded mat (Figure 11c) and screw it into place using the two screws on the leaded mat (Figure 11d). Keep a hand on the handle while measuring to ensure it does not fall.

Image ModifiedImage Modified

  Figure 11. Sample Chamber (a) snaps into the gun of the nose for measuring discrete samples (1).

Leaded      Leaded Shielding(c) for Section Half measurements (2). The nose of the gun goes into the opening and

is tightened with the side screws(d).

Press the green 'Start' START Button in the bottom left of the screen to start the measurement. This can be done while in the 'Test Information' window (Figure 10, arrow C) or you may click to the Analysis page and then click 'Start'  (Figure 12, arrow D).

Record each measurement taken on the paper log sheets provided by the technician. Do not forget to export the files regularly.


Figure 12. Analysis window: Test completed. A. Current run number, B. To enter test information (see Figure 10), C. Test completed, D. Start Button to start next measurement 

Exporting Files

The gun writes one file per day that contains all the measurements taken in that 24 hour period. Until that file is exported the measurements are not permanently attached to the file. If files have not been exported do not disconnect the gun, turn off the software, or turn off the gun otherwise those un-exported measurements will be lost.

To export a file go the 'Set Up' in the top right and then click 'Data Management' in  in the left panel (Figure 13).


The Data Management Screen is now up and files can be exported. First select the date file you want to upload in the right panel (Figure 14). A 'Data' and 'Spectra ' file need to be exported per file. The active file type has the red check highlighted in the type Box. In the Figure below, the Data file type has the red check so it is the active file-type. The Filename for each file needs to be the same and in the format of 03-17-2020.csv (remove the "Exportdata") . The file extension for the data file is ".csv" and the file extension for the spectra file is ".spm". Follow this naming convention: "MM-DD-YYYY"


Figure 14. Export a file. A. Panel listing files available files. B. Data and Spectra File Types. C. Bar displaying the Path files save to. D. Filename. E. Export Button. F. Successful data export. 

Click the 'export' button for the data file and then repeat for the spectra file and click 'export'. A message 'Exported data file successfully' will appear in the white bar. After the files have been exported the measurements are attached to the file. Multiple exports can be done in the same day, however the measurements will still be written to the same date file. The measurements are appended to the same date file, not overwritten.
