Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This credential needs to be distributed to the following email distributions for filing: EPM for the expedition in processing,,, (Data Librarian),

Code Block
set echo on 
create user exp&1 identified by "secret-secure" default tablespace labware profile COMPLEX_PASSWORD;
grant connect to exp&1;
create role "GROUPNAME";
grant "GROUPNAME" to exp&1;

4. Copy the content

Into the publicly accessible LIMS. - DBA


Review the space available in LABWARE, LABWAREIDX.

grp_cnt_transfer.ksh, grp_cnt_lims.ksh

Review. Run both of these scripts to gather baseline row counts by moratorium group, expedition, and record status. Preparatory step before data is merged.


Run this script to generate a pair of scripts that respectively enable and disable triggers.

Future: Remove this script by applying the use of "execute immediate" support for disabling respective triggers automatically in the TRANSFER.EOX_SHORE_MERGE_TRANSFER_NEW_TO_LIMS() script--around LIMS.SAMPLE, LIMS.TEST, LIMS.RESULT, LIMS.GEOD_DATA, LIMS.GEOD_METADATA.


Run this script via SQL to disable all schema triggers.

  • Ensures the data goes in faster. And
  • Doesn't get modified (again) on the way by.


Script deprecated--not modified for current use. Superseded by the script below.

call transfer.eox_shore_merge_transfer_new_to_lims()

This procedure merges TRANSFER schema NEW_* table content into LIMS. Including

  • scales, depth, samples, tests, results; and
  • two (recently added) GEODESC tables.

Please review the procedure. To run it

Code Block
sql / as sysdba
call transfer.eox_shore_merge_transfer_new_to_lims()


  • Without a unique result_number index, the bulk merging of the NEW_RESULT content took upwards of 6 hours.
  • With a unique index on NEW_RESULT.RESULT_NUMBER the bulk merge was observed to complete (once) 30 minutes, but more typically in 4 hours.
  • Although the data is available, the script does not provide for the merge of DESCINFO2 data--system is no longer used, so omitting now.

Future: The scripts are constructed around MERGE. Test in LIMS19 or RTLIMS to see if this technique is more performant for the bulk data moves. Since RESULT is the largest table with the most indexes we can gain the most improvement in execution times by focussing on this table.

Code Block
execute immediate "alter table lims.result nologging;"
insert /*+append*/ lims.result
select * from transfer.new_result where result_number in
(select result_number from transfer.new_result
 select result_number from lims.result
execute immediate "alter table lims.result logging;"


Re-run this script for review purposes. Data formerly only in the TRANSFER schema should now be present in the same numbers in the LIMS schema.



Code Block
DT=`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`
sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba"  2>/dev/null 1>$TMP <<+++
set newpage 0
set linesize 150
set pagesize 0
set echo off
set feedback off
set tab off

column TABLESPACE_NAME        FORMAT A15    HEADING 'Tablespace';
column file_name              FORMAT A45    HEADING 'File Name ';
COLUMN allocated_mb           FORMAT 999,999,999,999  HEADING 'Tablespace|Pieces';
cOLUMN free_mb                FORMAT 999,999,999,999 HEADING 'Free|Mbytes';
cOLUMN free_mb_per            FORMAT 999.99 HEADING 'Free       ';

   (a.bytes/1024) allocated_mb,
   (b.free_bytes/1024) free_mb,
   (b.free_bytes/a.bytes)*100 free_mb_per
   dba_data_files a,
   (SELECT file_id, SUM(bytes) free_bytes
    FROM dba_free_space b GROUP BY file_id) b
grep -v "^$" $TMP >$OUT
rm $TMP
#cat $OUT

grp_cnt_transfer.ksh, grp_cnt_lims.ksh

Review. Run both of these scripts to gather baseline row counts by moratorium group, expedition, and record status. Preparatory step before data is merged.

Code Block
DT=`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`
sql -s "/ as sysdba"  2>>$OUT 1>>$OUT <<+++
alter session set current_schema=transfer;
--connect transfer/HQtransfer:dbashare.hhhhh;
set newpage 0
set linesize 100
set pagesize 0
set echo on
set timing on
set time on
set feedback off
set heading off
set tab off
select 'REVIEW TRANSFER.TEST' from dual;
select t.group_name, s.x_expedition, t.status, count(*) from transfer.new_sample s, transfer.new_test t where s.sample_number=t.sample_number group by t.group_name, s.x_expedition, t.status order by s.x_expedition, t.group_name, t.status;
select 'REVIEW TRANSFER.RESULT' from dual;
select r.group_name, s.x_expedition, r.status, count(*) from transfer.new_sample s, transfer.new_result r where s.sample_number=r.sample_number group by r.group_name, s.x_expedition, r.status order by s.x_expedition, r.group_name, r.status;

Code Block
DT=`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`
sql -s "/ as sysdba"  2>>$OUT 1>>$OUT <<+++
alter session set current_schema=lims;
set newpage 0
set linesize 100
set pagesize 0
set timing on
set time on
set feedback off
set heading off
set tab off
select 'REVIEW LIMS.TEST' from dual;
select t.group_name, s.x_expedition, t.status, count(*) from lims.sample s, lims.test t where s.sample_number=t.sample_number and s.x_expedition in ('${EOX}', 'QAQC', '999') group by t.group_name, s.x_expedition, t.status order by s.x_expedition, t.group_name, t.status;
select 'REVIEW LIMS.RESULT' from dual;
select r.group_name, s.x_expedition, r.status, count(*) from lims.sample s, lims.result r where s.sample_number=r.sample_number and s.x_expedition in ('${EOX}', 'QAQC', '999') group by r.group_name, s.x_expedition, r.status order by s.x_expedition, r.group_name, r.status;


Run this script to generate a pair of scripts that respectively enable and disable triggers.

Future: Remove this script by applying the use of "execute immediate" support for disabling respective triggers automatically in the TRANSFER.EOX_SHORE_MERGE_TRANSFER_NEW_TO_LIMS() script--around LIMS.SAMPLE, LIMS.TEST, LIMS.RESULT.

The LIMS.GEOD_DATA trigger should not be disabled. No need. Its a primary key trigger only. Data being merged (should) never have an empty primary key.

Code Block
DT=`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`
sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba"  2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null <<+++
set newpage 0
set linesize 100
set pagesize 0
set echo off
set feedback off
set heading off
set tab off

spool dis_trig_all.sql 

set pagesize 50000
set linesize 160
set trimspool on
set trimout on
select 'alter trigger '||owner||'.'||trigger_name||' disable;' from all_triggers
where owner in ('LIMS') and table_name in ('SAMPLE')
order by owner;
spool off

sed 's/ disable;/ enable;/g' < dis_trig_all.sql >enb_trig_all.sql
mv dis_trig_all.sql dis_trig_all_${DT}.sql
mv enb_trig_all.sql enb_trig_all_${DT}.sql


Run this script via SQL to disable all schema triggers.

  • Ensures the data goes in faster. And
  • Doesn't get modified (again) on the way by.

Only the triggers shown should be disabled. All others are primary key generators which have no effect for data merge.

Code Block
titledis_trig_all_<yyyymmdd hh24miss>.sql
alter trigger LIMS.TRG_NAME_CHANGE_AI disable;
alter trigger LIMS.TRG_NAME_CHANGE_AIFER disable;
alter trigger LIMS.TRG_NAME_CHANGE_BEFORE disable;
alter trigger LIMS.TRG_NO_SAMPLE_NAME_BEFORE disable;
alter trigger LIMS.MAINTAIN_ORIG_LEN disable;


Script deprecated--not modified for current use. Superseded by the script below.

call transfer.eox_shore_merge_transfer_new_to_lims()

This procedure merges TRANSFER schema NEW_* table content into LIMS. Including

  • scales, depth, samples, tests, results; and
  • two (recently added) GEODESC tables.

Please review the procedure. To run it

Code Block
sql / as sysdba
call transfer.eox_shore_merge_transfer_new_to_lims()


  • Without a unique result_number index, the bulk merging of the NEW_RESULT content took upwards of 6 hours.
  • With a unique index on NEW_RESULT.RESULT_NUMBER the bulk merge was observed to complete in 4 hours (this for ~26 million rows).
  • Although the data is available, the script does not provide for the merge of DESCINFO2 data--system is no longer used, so omitting now.

Future: The scripts are constructed around MERGE. Test in LIMS19 or RTLIMS to see if this technique is more performant for the bulk data moves. Since RESULT is the largest table with the most indexes we can gain the most improvement in execution times by optimizing this table's activity.

Code Block
titleProposed more performant than merge for RESULT
execute immediate "alter table lims.result nologging;"
insert /*+append*/ lims.result
select * from transfer.new_result where result_number in
(select result_number from transfer.new_result
 select result_number from lims.result
execute immediate "alter table lims.result logging;"


Re-run this script for review purposes. Data formerly only in the TRANSFER schema should now be present in the same numbers in the LIMS schema.


If the row counts match, re-enable operational triggers.

Reiteration: no need to disable/enable the LIMS.GEOD_DATA primary key trigger. Content being merged already has keys.

Code Block
alter trigger LIMS.TRG_NAME_CHANGE_AI enable;
alter trigger LIMS.TRG_NAME_CHANGE_AIFER enable;
alter trigger LIMS.TRG_NAME_CHANGE_BEFORE enable;
alter trigger LIMS.TRG_NO_SAMPLE_NAME_BEFORE enable;
alter trigger LIMS.MAINTAIN_ORIG_LEN enable;

5. Update the Database Overview
