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Comment: added RGB component table


  • LSIMG - linescan imaging of the section half
  • RGB - red/green/blue analysis of the LSIMG TIF, usually in 2 cm wide (Y-axis) x 0.5 cm deep (Z-axis) bins at the Y-axis center of the section
  • WRLS - linescan imaging of the individual 90-degree quadrants for whole-round imaging of the outside of a hard rock section
  • WRLSC - component for the collection of the final 90-degree quadrant images as well as the 360-degree composite image
LSIMGSAMPLEExpExp: expedition number
LSIMGSAMPLESiteSite: site number
LSIMGSAMPLEHoleHole: hole number
LSIMGSAMPLECoreCore: core number
LSIMGSAMPLETypeType: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X).
LSIMGSAMPLESectSect: section number
LSIMGSAMPLEA/WA/W: archive (A) or working (W) section half.
LSIMGSAMPLEtext_idText_ID: automatically generated database identifier for a sample, also carried on the printed labels. This identifier is guaranteed to be unique across all samples.
LSIMGSAMPLEsample_numberSample Number: automatically generated database identifier for a sample. This is the primary key of the SAMPLE table.
LSIMGSAMPLElabel_idLabel identifier: automatically generated, human readable name for a sample that is printed on labels. This name is not guaranteed unique across all samples.
LSIMGSAMPLEsample_nameSample name: short name that may be specified for a sample. You can use an advanced filter to narrow your search by this parameter.
LSIMGSAMPLEx_sample_stateSample state: Single-character identifier always set to "W" for samples; standards can vary.
LSIMGSAMPLEx_projectProject: similar in scope to the expedition number, the difference being that the project is the current cruise, whereas expedition could refer to material/results obtained on previous cruises
LSIMGSAMPLEx_capt_locCaptured location: "captured location," this field is usually null and is unnecessary because any sample captured on the JR has a sample_number ending in 1, and GCR ending in 2
LSIMGSAMPLElocationLocation: location that sample was taken; this field is usually null and is unnecessary because any sample captured on the JR has a sample_number ending in 1, and GCR ending in 2
LSIMGSAMPLEx_sampling_toolSampling tool: sampling tool used to take the sample (e.g., syringe, spatula)
LSIMGSAMPLEchanged_byChanged by: username of account used to make a change to a sample record
LSIMGSAMPLEchanged_onChanged on: date/time stamp for change made to a sample record
LSIMGSAMPLEsample_typeSample type: type of sample from a predefined list (e.g., HOLE, CORE, LIQ)
LSIMGSAMPLEx_offsetOffset (m): top offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in meters.
LSIMGSAMPLEx_offset_cmOffset (cm): top offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in centimeters. This is a calculated field (offset, converted to cm)
LSIMGSAMPLEx_bottom_offset_cmBottom offset (cm): bottom offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in centimeters. This is a calculated field (offset + length, converted to cm)
LSIMGSAMPLEx_diameterDiameter (cm): diameter of sample, usually applied only to CORE, SECT, SHLF, and WRND samples; however this field is null on both Exp. 390 and 393, so it is no longer populated by Sample Master
LSIMGSAMPLEx_orig_lenOriginal length (m): field for the original length of a sample; not always (or reliably) populated
LSIMGSAMPLEx_lengthLength (m): field for the length of a sample [as entered upon creation]
LSIMGSAMPLEx_length_cmLength (cm): field for the length of a sample. This is a calculated field (length, converted to cm).
LSIMGSAMPLEstatusStatus: single-character code for the current status of a sample (e.g., active, canceled)
LSIMGSAMPLEold_statusOld status: single-character code for the previous status of a sample; used by the LIME program to restore a canceled sample
LSIMGSAMPLEoriginal_sampleOriginal sample: field tying a sample below the CORE level to its parent HOLE sample
LSIMGSAMPLEparent_sampleParent sample: the sample from which this sample was taken (e.g., for PWDR samples, this might be a SHLF or possibly another PWDR)
LSIMGSAMPLEstandardStandard: T/F field to differentiate between samples (standard=F) and QAQC standards (standard=T)
LSIMGSAMPLElogin_byLogin by: username of account used to create the sample (can be the LIMS itself [e.g., SHLFs created when a SECT is created])
LSIMGSAMPLElogin_dateLogin date: creation date of the sample
LSIMGSAMPLElegacyLegacy flag: T/F indicator for when a sample is from a previous expedition and is locked/uneditable on this expedition
LSIMGTESTtest changed_onTEST changed on: date/time stamp for a change to a test record.
LSIMGTESTtest statusTEST status: single-character code for the current status of a test (e.g., active, in process, canceled)
LSIMGTESTtest old_statusTEST old status: single-character code for the previous status of a test; used by the LIME program to restore a canceled test
LSIMGTESTtest test_numberTEST test number: automatically generated database identifier for a test record. This is the primary key of the TEST table.
LSIMGTESTtest date_receivedTEST date received: date/time stamp for the creation of the test record.
LSIMGTESTtest instrumentTEST instrument [instrument group]: field that describes the instrument group (most often this applies to loggers with multiple sensors); often obscure (e.g., user_input)
LSIMGTESTtest analysisTEST analysis: analysis code associated with this test (foreign key to the ANALYSIS table)
LSIMGTESTtest x_projectTEST project: similar in scope to the expedition number, the difference being that the project is the current cruise, whereas expedition could refer to material/results obtained on previous cruises
LSIMGTESTtest sample_numberTEST sample number: the sample_number of the sample to which this test record is attached; a foreign key to the SAMPLE table
LSIMGTESTtest x_displayTEST display flag: T/F field to indicate whether an image is the display image
LSIMGTESTtest legacyTEST legacy: T/F indicator for when a test from a previous expedition and is locked/uneditable on this expedition
LSIMGCALCULATEDTop depth CSF-A (m)Top depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole.
LSIMGCALCULATEDBottom depth CSF-A (m)Bottom depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole.
LSIMGCALCULATEDTop depth CSF-B (m)Top depth [other] (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user.
LSIMGCALCULATEDBottom depth CSF-B (m)Bottom depth [other] (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user.
LSIMGRESULTconfig_asman_idRESULT configuration file ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the configuration file
LSIMGRESULTconfig_filenameRESULT configuration filename: file name of the configuration file
LSIMGRESULTconsumer_image_asman_idRESULT consumer image ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the uncropped JPG image file
LSIMGRESULTconsumer_image_filenameRESULT consumer image filename: file name of the uncropped JPG image file
LSIMGRESULTcorrectionRESULT correction: summary of corrections applied to the TIF file and JPG file (contrast, gamma, and brightness only)
LSIMGRESULTcropped_image_asman_idRESULT cropped image ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the cropped JPG image file
LSIMGRESULTcropped_image_filenameRESULT cropped image filename: file name of the cropped JPG image file
LSIMGRESULTcropped_image_lengthRESULT cropped image length (cm): length of the cropped image as calculated from the total lines x 50 micron pixels
LSIMGRESULTimage_descriptionRESULT image description: archaic field for "Pristine" or other choices
LSIMGRESULTimage_purposeRESULT image purpose: field for what the target is (e.g., soft sediment, dry hard rock)
LSIMGRESULTinstrumentRESULT instrument: which sensor is used for this result; for LSIMG it is currently JAI SW-2001T-CL-F camera
LSIMGRESULTobserved_lengthRESULT observed length (cm): length of the core section as entered by the operator
LSIMGRESULToriginal_image_asman_idRESULT original image ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAn link for the uncropped TIF file (also not adjusted for contrast, gamma, or brightness)
LSIMGRESULToriginal_image_filenameRESULT original image filename: file name of the uncropped TIF file
LSIMGRESULTroi_left_edgeRESULT region of interest left edge (pixels): position of the left edge of the cropped image in pixels
LSIMGRESULTroi_lower_edgeRESULT region of interest lower edge (pixels): position of the lower edge of the cropped image in pixels
LSIMGRESULTroi_right_edgeRESULT region of interest right edge (pixels): position of the right edge of the cropped image in pixels
LSIMGRESULTroi_upper_edgeRESULT region of interest upper edge (pixels): position of the upper edge of the cropped image in pixels
LSIMGRESULTrun_asman_idRESULT run file ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the run (.ROI) file
LSIMGRESULTrun_filenameRESULT run filename: file name for the run (.ROI) file
LSIMGSAMPLEsample descriptionSAMPLE comment: contents of the SAMPLE.description field, usually shown on reports as "Sample comments"
LSIMGTESTtest test_commentTEST comment: contents of the TEST.comment field, usually shown on reports as "Test comments"
LSIMGRESULTresult commentsRESULT comment: contents of a result parameter with name = "comment," usually shown on reports as "Result comments"

RGBSAMPLEExpExp: expedition number
RGBSAMPLESiteSite: site number
RGBSAMPLEHoleHole: hole number
RGBSAMPLECoreCore: core number
RGBSAMPLETypeType: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X).
RGBSAMPLESectSect: section number
RGBSAMPLEA/WA/W: archive (A) or working (W) section half.
RGBSAMPLEtext_idText_ID: automatically generated database identifier for a sample, also carried on the printed labels. This identifier is guaranteed to be unique across all samples.
RGBSAMPLEsample_numberSample Number: automatically generated database identifier for a sample. This is the primary key of the SAMPLE table.
RGBSAMPLElabel_idLabel identifier: automatically generated, human readable name for a sample that is printed on labels. This name is not guaranteed unique across all samples.
RGBSAMPLEsample_nameSample name: short name that may be specified for a sample. You can use an advanced filter to narrow your search by this parameter.
RGBSAMPLEx_sample_stateSample state: Single-character identifier always set to "W" for samples; standards can vary.
RGBSAMPLEx_projectProject: similar in scope to the expedition number, the difference being that the project is the current cruise, whereas expedition could refer to material/results obtained on previous cruises
RGBSAMPLEx_capt_locCaptured location: "captured location," this field is usually null and is unnecessary because any sample captured on the JR has a sample_number ending in 1, and GCR ending in 2
RGBSAMPLElocationLocation: location that sample was taken; this field is usually null and is unnecessary because any sample captured on the JR has a sample_number ending in 1, and GCR ending in 2
RGBSAMPLEx_sampling_toolSampling tool: sampling tool used to take the sample (e.g., syringe, spatula)
RGBSAMPLEchanged_byChanged by: username of account used to make a change to a sample record
RGBSAMPLEchanged_onChanged on: date/time stamp for change made to a sample record
RGBSAMPLEsample_typeSample type: type of sample from a predefined list (e.g., HOLE, CORE, LIQ)
RGBSAMPLEx_offsetOffset (m): top offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in meters.
RGBSAMPLEx_offset_cmOffset (cm): top offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in centimeters. This is a calculated field (offset, converted to cm)
RGBSAMPLEx_bottom_offset_cmBottom offset (cm): bottom offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in centimeters. This is a calculated field (offset + length, converted to cm)
RGBSAMPLEx_diameterDiameter (cm): diameter of sample, usually applied only to CORE, SECT, SHLF, and WRND samples; however this field is null on both Exp. 390 and 393, so it is no longer populated by Sample Master
RGBSAMPLEx_orig_lenOriginal length (m): field for the original length of a sample; not always (or reliably) populated
RGBSAMPLEx_lengthLength (m): field for the length of a sample [as entered upon creation]
RGBSAMPLEx_length_cmLength (cm): field for the length of a sample. This is a calculated field (length, converted to cm).
RGBSAMPLEstatusStatus: single-character code for the current status of a sample (e.g., active, canceled)
RGBSAMPLEold_statusOld status: single-character code for the previous status of a sample; used by the LIME program to restore a canceled sample
RGBSAMPLEoriginal_sampleOriginal sample: field tying a sample below the CORE level to its parent HOLE sample
RGBSAMPLEparent_sampleParent sample: the sample from which this sample was taken (e.g., for PWDR samples, this might be a SHLF or possibly another PWDR)
RGBSAMPLEstandardStandard: T/F field to differentiate between samples (standard=F) and QAQC standards (standard=T)
RGBSAMPLElogin_byLogin by: username of account used to create the sample (can be the LIMS itself [e.g., SHLFs created when a SECT is created])
RGBSAMPLElogin_dateLogin date: creation date of the sample
RGBSAMPLElegacyLegacy flag: T/F indicator for when a sample is from a previous expedition and is locked/uneditable on this expedition
RGBTESTtest changed_onTEST changed on: date/time stamp for a change to a test record.
RGBTESTtest statusTEST status: single-character code for the current status of a test (e.g., active, in process, canceled)
RGBTESTtest old_statusTEST old status: single-character code for the previous status of a test; used by the LIME program to restore a canceled test
RGBTESTtest test_numberTEST test number: automatically generated database identifier for a test record. This is the primary key of the TEST table.
RGBTESTtest date_receivedTEST date received: date/time stamp for the creation of the test record.
RGBTESTtest instrumentTEST instrument [instrument group]: field that describes the instrument group (most often this applies to loggers with multiple sensors); often obscure (e.g., user_input)
RGBTESTtest analysisTEST analysis: analysis code associated with this test (foreign key to the ANALYSIS table)
RGBTESTtest x_projectTEST project: similar in scope to the expedition number, the difference being that the project is the current cruise, whereas expedition could refer to material/results obtained on previous cruises
RGBTESTtest sample_numberTEST sample number: the sample_number of the sample to which this test record is attached; a foreign key to the SAMPLE table
RGBCALCULATEDDepth CSF-A (m)Depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole.
RGBCALCULATEDDepth CSF-B (m)Depth [other] (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user.
RGBRESULTredRESULT red (R) channel: average of digitized red (R) channel over a user-defined rectangle along the core section. Values range from 0 to 255 (8-bit color digitization).
RGBRESULTgreenRESULT green (G) channel: average of digitized green (G) channel over a user-defined rectangle along the core section. Values range from 0 to 255 (8-bit color digitization).
RGBRESULTblueRESULT blue (B) channel: average of digitized blue (B) channel over a user-defined rectangle along the core section. Values range from 0 to 255 (8-bit color digitization).
RGBRESULTconfig_asman_idRESULT config file ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the configuration file
RGBRESULTconfig_filenameRESULT config filename: file name of the configuration file
RGBRESULTobserved_length (cm)RESULT observed length (cm): length of the section as recorded by the core logger track
RGBRESULToffset (cm)RESULT offset (cm): position of the observation made, measured relative to the top of a section half.
RGBRESULTrun_asman_idRESULT run file ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the run (.RGB) file
RGBRESULTrun_filenameRESULT run filename: file name of the run (.RGB) file
RGBRESULTrgb_high_res_asman_idRESULT high res RGB ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the high resolution RGB (.DAT) file
RGBRESULTrgb_high_res_filenameRESULT high res RGB filename: filename for the high resolution RGB (.DAT) file
RGBSAMPLEsample descriptionSAMPLE comment: contents of the SAMPLE.description field, usually shown on reports as "Sample comments"
RGBTESTtest test_commentTEST comment: contents of the TEST.comment field, usually shown on reports as "Test comments"
RGBRESULTresult commentsRESULT comment: contents of a result parameter with name = "comment," usually shown on reports as "Result comments"

WRLSSAMPLEExpExp: expedition number
WRLSSAMPLESiteSite: site number
WRLSSAMPLEHoleHole: hole number
WRLSSAMPLECoreCore: core number
WRLSSAMPLETypeType: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X).
WRLSSAMPLESectSect: section number
WRLSSAMPLEtext_idText_ID: automatically generated database identifier for a sample, also carried on the printed labels. This identifier is guaranteed to be unique across all samples.
WRLSSAMPLEsample_numberSample Number: automatically generated database identifier for a sample. This is the primary key of the SAMPLE table.
WRLSSAMPLElabel_idLabel identifier: automatically generated, human readable name for a sample that is printed on labels. This name is not guaranteed unique across all samples.
WRLSSAMPLEsample_nameSample name: short name that may be specified for a sample. You can use an advanced filter to narrow your search by this parameter.
WRLSSAMPLEx_sample_stateSample state: Single-character identifier always set to "W" for samples; standards can vary.
WRLSSAMPLEx_projectProject: similar in scope to the expedition number, the difference being that the project is the current cruise, whereas expedition could refer to material/results obtained on previous cruises
WRLSSAMPLEx_capt_locCaptured location: "captured location," this field is usually null and is unnecessary because any sample captured on the JR has a sample_number ending in 1, and GCR ending in 2
WRLSSAMPLElocationLocation: location that sample was taken; this field is usually null and is unnecessary because any sample captured on the JR has a sample_number ending in 1, and GCR ending in 2
WRLSSAMPLEx_sampling_toolSampling tool: sampling tool used to take the sample (e.g., syringe, spatula)
WRLSSAMPLEchanged_byChanged by: username of account used to make a change to a sample record
WRLSSAMPLEchanged_onChanged on: date/time stamp for change made to a sample record
WRLSSAMPLEsample_typeSample type: type of sample from a predefined list (e.g., HOLE, CORE, LIQ)
WRLSSAMPLEx_offsetOffset (m): top offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in meters.
WRLSSAMPLEx_offset_cmOffset (cm): top offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in centimeters. This is a calculated field (offset, converted to cm)
WRLSSAMPLEx_bottom_offset_cmBottom offset (cm): bottom offset of sample from top of parent sample, expressed in centimeters. This is a calculated field (offset + length, converted to cm)
WRLSSAMPLEx_diameterDiameter (cm): diameter of sample, usually applied only to CORE, SECT, SHLF, and WRND samples; however this field is null on both Exp. 390 and 393, so it is no longer populated by Sample Master
WRLSSAMPLEx_orig_lenOriginal length (m): field for the original length of a sample; not always (or reliably) populated
WRLSSAMPLEx_lengthLength (m): field for the length of a sample [as entered upon creation]
WRLSSAMPLEx_length_cmLength (cm): field for the length of a sample. This is a calculated field (length, converted to cm).
WRLSSAMPLEstatusStatus: single-character code for the current status of a sample (e.g., active, canceled)
WRLSSAMPLEold_statusOld status: single-character code for the previous status of a sample; used by the LIME program to restore a canceled sample
WRLSSAMPLEoriginal_sampleOriginal sample: field tying a sample below the CORE level to its parent HOLE sample
WRLSSAMPLEparent_sampleParent sample: the sample from which this sample was taken (e.g., for PWDR samples, this might be a SHLF or possibly another PWDR)
WRLSSAMPLEstandardStandard: T/F field to differentiate between samples (standard=F) and QAQC standards (standard=T)
WRLSSAMPLElogin_byLogin by: username of account used to create the sample (can be the LIMS itself [e.g., SHLFs created when a SECT is created])
WRLSSAMPLElogin_dateLogin date: creation date of the sample
WRLSSAMPLElegacyLegacy flag: T/F indicator for when a sample is from a previous expedition and is locked/uneditable on this expedition
WRLSTESTtest changed_onTEST changed on: date/time stamp for a change to a test record.
WRLSTESTtest statusTEST status: single-character code for the current status of a test (e.g., active, in process, canceled)
WRLSTESTtest old_statusTEST old status: single-character code for the previous status of a test; used by the LIME program to restore a canceled test
WRLSTESTtest test_numberTEST test number: automatically generated database identifier for a test record. This is the primary key of the TEST table.
WRLSTESTtest date_receivedTEST date received: date/time stamp for the creation of the test record.
WRLSTESTtest instrumentTEST instrument [instrument group]: field that describes the instrument group (most often this applies to loggers with multiple sensors); often obscure (e.g., user_input)
WRLSTESTtest analysisTEST analysis: analysis code associated with this test (foreign key to the ANALYSIS table)
WRLSTESTtest x_projectTEST project: similar in scope to the expedition number, the difference being that the project is the current cruise, whereas expedition could refer to material/results obtained on previous cruises
WRLSTESTtest sample_numberTEST sample number: the sample_number of the sample to which this test record is attached; a foreign key to the SAMPLE table
WRLSTESTtest x_displayTEST display flag: T/F field to indicate whether an image is the display image
WRLSTESTtest legacyTEST legacy: T/F indicator for when a test from a previous expedition and is locked/uneditable on this expedition
WRLSCALCULATEDTop depth CSF-A (m)Top depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole.
WRLSCALCULATEDBottom depth CSF-A (m)Bottom depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole.
WRLSCALCULATEDTop depth CSF-B (m)Top depth [other] (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user.
WRLSCALCULATEDBottom depth CSF-B (m)Bottom depth [other] (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user.
WRLSRESULTquadrantRESULT quadrant: which 90-degree quadrant was captured in this image
WRLSRESULTquadrant_tif_asman_idRESULT quadrant TIF ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the quadrant TIF/TIFF image
WRLSRESULTquadrant_tif_filenameRESULT quadrant TIF filename: file name of the quadrant TIF/TIFF image
WRLSRESULTquadrant_jpg_asman_idRESULT quadrant JPG ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the quadrant JPG/JPEG image
WRLSRESULTquadrant_jpg_filenameRESULT quadrant JPG filename: file name of the quadrant JPG/JPEG image
WRLSRESULTrun_asman_idRESULT run file ASMAN_ID: serial number of the ASMAN link for the run (.WRLS) file
WRLSRESULTrun_filenameRESULT run filename: file name of the run (.WRLS) file
WRLSSAMPLEsample descriptionSAMPLE comment: contents of the SAMPLE.description field, usually shown on reports as "Sample comments"
WRLSTESTtest test_commentTEST comment: contents of the TEST.comment field, usually shown on reports as "Test comments"
WRLSRESULTresult commentsRESULT comment: contents of a result parameter with name = "comment," usually shown on reports as "Result comments"
