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Table of Contents

Table of Contents


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IMS graphic user interface for WRMSL.


This guide is designed to help the scientists and technicians use the Whole Round Multisensor Logger (WRMSL) and upload the data to LIMS. For detailed information on the WRMSL please refer to the Whole Round Multisensor Logger User Guide.

Processing Samples

Running Cores on the WRMSL



The Whole Round Multisensor Logger (WRMSL) and Special Task Multisensor Logger (STMSL) are two whole-round systems which allow simultaneous measurements of density, magnetic susceptibility and Pwave velocity. The WRMSL and STMSL are the only two systems, which allow continuous core section measurements, one after another.
Note: Both tracks function the same way; however, WRMSL measures density, magnetic susceptibility and P wave velocity, whereas STMSL only measures density and magnetic susceptibility.

It is possible to set the WRMSL acting as the STMSL by changing the setup of the desired instrument. The screenshot below shows how to change the track type of the magnetic susceptibility loop used in the WRMSL to make it work as a STMSL.

Image AddedHow to switch from WRMSL to STMSL: Example for the magnetic susceptibility loop of the WRMSL


  • Preparing the Instrument

  1. Double-click the MUT icon on the desktop (Figure 1a) and login using ship credentials. For more information on data uploading see the "Uploading Data to LIMS" section below.
  2. Double-click the IMS icon (Figure 1b). IMS initializes the instrument and checks the movement of the track. Once initialized, the logger is ready to measure the first section.

Note: For Calibration of the GRA and the Pwave, please see the WRMSL & STMSL User Guide.

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Figure 1. (a) MUT Icon. (b) IMS Icon.

  • Set Measurement Parameters


  1. To set the measurement parameters for each


  1. instrument, select DAQ


  1. > Measurement Editor.


Note: Always set measurement intervals as whole number divisors of the distance between the sensors (


30cm), or the movement routine will be highly inefficient


. Standard intervals are 2.5 or 5 cm.

2. In the Measurement Editor window, select the


Instrument you wish to configure and then click in the Parameters window (Figure 2).

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Figure 2. Instrument Parameters window








In the intrument DAQ Parameters window the user may alter the settings for each instrument




Measurement Interval, Edge,


Acquisition Time, Setting the Instrument Online or Offline


and Setting the Control of the measurements On or Off


). Select Accept Changes. The changes will be written to the configuration file (Figure 3).

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Figure 3. GRA DAQ Paramenters window



Select Finished in the Measurement Editor window. Check that the System Status and DAQ Parameters displayed on the main interface window (left side of page) have updated to the values specified.

  1. DAQ Parameters (steps 4 to 6) should be used only when the instruments parameters need to be changed.

  • Preparing Sections

  1. Core sections measured on the WRMSL and STMSL can be run either immediately after "Core on Deck" or after they have reached temperature equilibrium. Pwave velocity if affected by temperature and should be run at a constant temperature for each section. We suggest room temperature (~ 19°C). Reach temperature equilibrium takes approximately 4 hours.

  • Making a Measurement

  1. Place section in core tray. Make sure sections are oriented with the blue endcap facing towards the instruments (Figure 4).

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Figure 4. Correct core position

2. Click START. The Section Information screen is displayed (Figure 5).

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Figure 5. WRMSL Section Information window.

3. Place the cursor in the SCAN field and scan the section label. SAMPLE ID and LIMS ID automatically fills. This ID tag contains information on expedition, site, hole, core, section number and length.

    Additional entry field options are the LIMS and MANUAL tabs.

    Missing Top: Used if material is missing or was sampled at the top of the section. If used, the software automatically adjusts the offset.

    Max. Length: Used if the core is shorter than the core liner. Measure the core manually and insert the value on the box. It is used mostly during hard rock measurements.

4. Click MEASURE. Core sections will be measured in sequence from the first to last section, generally we do not run the core catcher. Each section will move through the instrument by a pusher.

5. Density, MS and Pwave velocity data graphs are displayed in real time during acquisition (Figure 6).

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Figure 6. Density, MS and Pwave velocity graphs.

6. Once the core section has reached its furthest limit, the pusher will return to its home position and the Section information screen will be displayed.

    Note: During a measurement, the Pwave parameter 'stack' can be adjusted. For more details, please see below.

7. Place the next section on the track. Repeat steps 3 to 6. Continue until all sections are measured.

    Note: It is HIGHLY recommended that sections be measured IN ORDER.

8. After the last section is measured, place the 'Pusher End Sequence' (water core standard) on the track (Figure 7).

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Figure 7. WRMSL and STMSL Pusher End Sequence.

8. Click Pusher End Sequence on the Section Information window


  1. Use this step only when a different  water pusher is used, the program already keeps the information of the regular water pusher.


  1. During a measurement the user may adjust the number of stacked measurements.


  1. If there are more sections to be measure place the next section on the track, scan the label, and press measure. Repeat for all sections of the core.
  2. For best results it is recommended that sections be measured IN ORDER. If it is not possible to measure the sections in order it is recommended that a pusher core is used after each section.


. The standard will push the final section through the sensors and


two standard


measurements will be


taken on each sensor.


9. All instrument data (density, magnetic susceptibility, Pwave velocity) are stored in C:\




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Figure 2. Main WRMSL User Interface Window with GRA, MS, and PWL displays.


Image RemovedFigure 4.  Whole Round MSL Section Information window

Calibration Procedures

Calibrations should regularly be performed for each of the sensors. Calibration utilities are available under Instruments.

GRA Calibration

  1. Select Instruments: GRA Calibrate and the GRA Calibration window will open (Figure 5).
  2. Place the GRA standard (standard with the telescoped aluminum in Figure 6) on the track with the top (end with blue tape) nearest the sensors.The aluminum must be level, A level line is drawn on the bottom of the core. Also,  make sure that the ridge of the bottom endcap fits into the groove of the pusher (Figure 7). You may need to loosen the screws of the black plate on the pusher, just enough for it to slide.
  3. Press OK. The pusher will move the core into the GRA sensor range.
  4. The data points will be visible on the GRA Calibration graph. When the calibration measurements have completed, the window will display a density check. You may choose to apply or cancel the values at this time (Figure 8).
  5. After you select apply the data will be written to the configuration file.
  6. GRA Calibration is complete.


Image RemovedFigure 6. GRA Standard with telescoped aluminum at the top of the standard

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PWL Calibration


Follow the steps on the right side of the PWL Calibration Utility window. Note: Liner Delay correction is excluded when using the Aluminum standard.


Place the aluminum standard between the transducers. Close the transducers. Aluminum standard width is 76.25mm. Select Laser Offset Correction. Confirm that the Distance matches the standard's width.


 Enter the Aluminum Standard velocity. 6295.00 m/s. Select Determine System Delay. Verify that the Velocity matches the Aluminum Standard's velocity.


Open transducers. Remove Aluminum Standard.


Position the Water Standard between transducers. Close transducers. Turn on Liner Delay. Enter the water's temperature (water room temperature) under Temperature. Select Auto H2O Velocity Update. Liner Thickness is 2.580 mm. Click Determine Liner Velocity. 


10. MUT is used to upload data to the LIMS database. See section "Uploading Data to LIMS" for more information.

11. Once uploaded, data is available to view on LORE and LIVE. If data is not instantly visible, please contact the PP technician.

Uploading Data to LIMS

  1. Click the MUT Icon. Log in using database credentials.
  2. Once activated, the list of files from the C:\DATA\IN directory is displayed. Files are marked ready for upload by a green check mark (Figure 8).

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Figure 8. Main MUT screen

3. To manually upload files, check each file individually and clip upload. To automatically upload files, click on the Automatic Upload checkbox.

4. If files are marked by a purple question mark or red and white X icons, please contact a technician.
    Purple question mark: Cannot identify the file.

    Red and white X icons: Contains file errors.

5. Upon upload, data is moved to C:\DATA\Archive. If upload is unsuccessful, data is automatically moved to C:\DATA\Error. Please contact the PP technician is this occurs.


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Figure 9. PWave Calibration Utility.

Adjusting Measurement Parameters for the Waveform

You can use the controls Requested Stack and Threshold in PWL Calibration Utility window to adjust the measurement parameters to obtain a better waveform (Figure 8). These parameters may need to be adjusted if the section material has changed.

Requested Stack: Sets the number of waveforms to average to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Note: stack should not be any lower than 50.
Threshold: A millivolt value is used to find the first arrival peak. For more information on the first arrival determination, see Appendix 1 in WRMSL User Guide. Note: Threshold bar should be above 10m.

Uploading data To Lims

To up load the data into LIMS, MegaUploadaTron (MUT) must be running. If not already started do the following:

  1. On the desktop click the MUT icon on the task bar (Figure 9) and Login.
  2. The LIMS Uploader window will open (Figure 10).
  3. Check Automatic Upload in the lower right hand corner and click minimize. MUT will run in background. The uploaded data will move from  C:\data\IN to  C:\data\archive. If there is any problem with the uploading of the file, it will go to  C:\data\error.



This document originated from Word document Whole Round Multi Sensor Logger (WRMSL) by B. Novak, edited by T. Cobb and S. Frazier. Credits for subsequent changes to this document are given in the page history.

All improvements to the Quick Start Guides and User Guides are a communal effort, with honorable mention to the group of LOs, ALOs, and technicians who have helped.

Archived Versions

WRMSL and STMSL Quick Start Guide - 27Sept2022

WRMSL Quick Start Guide (2013 vintage): Physical Properties Whole Round Multi Sensor Logger (WRMSL) Quick Start



WRMSL and STMSL Quick Start Guide (*.pdf).

LMUG-WRMSLandSTMSLQuickStartGuide v2018: An exported PDF version of this wiki page as of 2020-10-27.