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Thin Section Report User Guide and Technical Notes
Peter Blum, 7 July 2016

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Detailed observations on thin sections are entered in a DESClogik workbook typically named "###_microscopic" (where ### is the expedition number, i.e. 396-U1565A_microscopic). The workbook has typically multiple tabs, or worksheets, one for each set of related attributes (e.g., primary mineralogy, alteration, structures). In these worksheets, a thin section description is represented by one row, or by multiple rows if multiple domains are described. This workbook format is best suited to describe and analyze data from many thin sections. However, when reviewing all aspects of one single thin section, a form type summaries of all pertinent information on 1-3 report pages is often more convenient. We therefore created a tool set that allows trained staff members to define a form report layout based on the observation workbook, and rapid production of PDF form summaries for the thin sections.
The following is the thin section report protocol approved by JRSO management on 16 June 2015:


After login, you are presented with a list of all existing report version that have a report status of open (O) or locked (L) and a version status of active (A) or released (R) (see Fig. l.3.2; more on report and version status later).

Figure 3.2. Writer window after login.


Table 1. Common applications of report and version status search combinations.


Report: Open

Report: Locked

Report: Canceled

Report: Any status

Version: Released

Guest can use report; Editor role can edit

Guest can use report; only Editor who is owner can edit. Used for ARCHIVE VERSION


Version: Active

Default, any editor can edit, Guest user cannot see.

I want to be the only one fixing my report, which is not available to Guest user.



Version: Canceled

Editor cancels many old versions while creating a report definition.


Required to purge all versions associated with a report


Version: Any status





Editor menu

The Editor action menu is available if user is an authorized editor (Fig. 4.3.3., left-hand side).


  • On the Report Edit window, click the Browse… Browsebutton to Select file to upload (Fig. 4.4.1).
  • When loaded, the file name will be displayed underneath the Browse… button. Watch out: The report export from Desclogik is a .xlsx-file. For Thin section report writer to accept the file, you have to open the .xlsx file, change the file format to 'Excel 97-2003 workbook/.xls', just renaming the workbook extension won't do the trick.
  • On the Report Edit window, click the Declare worksheets button to open the Declare Worksheets window (Fig. 4.4.2).
  • On the Declare Worksheets window, a Data source worksheet item with default name "new TAB #" will be displayed and marked in yellow because it needs to be edited. Click the Add button to add as many items as you have worksheets to declare.
  • In this section you only need one (the first) worksheet in the training workbook. However, eventually you'll use three so you may as well declare them now.
  • Double click the first list item(s), or select it and click the Edit button.
  • Select the Source worksheet name from the drop-down list of available worksheets in the source workbook.
  • Using the training workbook, select "worksheet1" from the drop down list of all worksheets in the training workbook.
  • Set the Identity source column to the column in the data sheet that has the identifying "sample" information (typically the row headers in the data, i.e., the first column).
  • Using the training workbook, select the first column "w1samples" from the drop down list of all columns in the worksheet.
  • Is this the report control worksheet? Only one worksheet can be the control worksheet and the answer is typically "YES" for the first worksheet, and "NO" for all other worksheets.
  • In our training workbook, worksheet1 is the control tab.
  • Repeat for all worksheets to declare.
  • Using the breadcrumbs, return to the Report Edit window.
  • Save your report using the Save to Database button at the top right..


If no error messages appear and everything else looks normal, check if the necessary "Use Me" flag was set. For example, if you create a simple table an a block with nothing else, and none of the table columns are set with "Use Me", no columns will be used, the table header will not be printed (as specified), and the block will not be printed because nothing is in it, i.e., you get nothing.

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