Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • When the account is created, a password is established for the account.
    Please record these credentials in the local development password safe.
  • The credential is not used by any applications--the use of GRANTS ensures the WRITER schema has all the proxy access it needs: select, insert, update, delete.
    Make it as long, complicated, and obtuse as you like (not really--Oracle limits credentials to 30 bytes). We'll only cut and past it the few times we need it.


Code Block
create user geodp### identified by "stored-secret-30-bytes" profile long_password;
alter user geodp###
default tablespace labwaregeodesc
temporary tablespace temp
quota unlimited on labwaregeodesc
quota unlimited on labwareidxgeodescidx

grant create session to geodp###;
grant create sequence to geodp###;
grant create table to geodp###;
grant create trigger to geodp###;

Historical Note

During initial development, these roles, privileges, and storage configurations were applied.

  • Note that the above are sufficient for operational use.
  • Note that storage is moved to dedicated tablespaces (geodesc, geodescidx) for operational use.
  1. Granted Roles:
    1. Connect
  2. System Privileges:
    1. Advisor
    2. Alter session
    3. Create Credential
    4. Create Database Link
    5. Create Job
    6. Create Procedure
    7. Create Public Synonym
    8. Create Sequence
    9. Create Session
    10. Create Synonym
    11. Create Table
    12. Create Trigger
    13. Create Type
    14. Create View
    15. Create Any Procedure
    16. Debug Connect Session
    17. Drop Public Synonym
    18. Select Any Dictionary
    19. Select Any Table
  3. Quotas
    1. LABWARE
    3. USERS |  31457280 | K

2. Clone Database from Existing Project
