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Recapitulation of prior work Schlumberger Winch Data transfer to RigWatch (SLB to RW).

Operations Rationale

Tool string depth and tension are readily consumable gauges of the progress and status of logging operations. During logging operations, local convention widely distributes Schlumberger winch position (WPS) . Tool string depth is a readily consumable gauge of both progress and status of logging via RigWatch displays. 

System Overview

Schlumberger provides JRSO with winch position (WPS) telemetry. JRSO implemented SLB to RW (and previously LDEO) implemented software system to bring make that data into RigWatchavailable. The core of the JRSO "SLB to RW system consists of WPS " converts Schlumberger WPS protocol data to WITS conversion. The WITS data is passed to RigWatch.

The system is presently running on a Dell laptop (aka SHIP-DAQ). The software system processes WPS telemetry through three serial devices:

  • COM4 - Input. WPS telemetry is received via an RS485 serial connection from the Schlumberger rack.
    • The telemetry is a binary stream.
    • It is delivered at 19200 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
      These settings are supplied by the software. These are not the defaults you will see in Windows Device Manager.
  • COM3 - Output. SLB to RW--a LabVIEW 2020 executable program--processes incoming WPS telemetry (COM4) to WITS format. The WITS stream is output via COM3 (RS232).
    • The decoded telemetry is readable text. No need to run PuTTy--SLB to RW displays the data stream.
    • It is delivered at 9600 baud 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
  • COM1 - SLB to RW output; RigWatch input.
    • PuTTY may be used to verify this output. While PuTTY has the serial port, RigWatch Master cannot see or use device "COM1 - Remote 6"
    • COM3 is physically connected in loopback fashion to COM1. The loopback cable is known as a null-modem or cross-over cable.
    • The data is delivered at 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
