Versions Compared


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Figure 22. Alkalinity measurement data flow.

LIMS integration

In LIMS terminology, we perform two types of alkalinity analyses: ALKALINITY and ALK_QAQC:

ALKALINITY analyses include pH and alkalinity tests performed on interstitial water samples.

ALK_QAQC includes the same physical tests performed on a calibration standard or standard sample.

ALK_QAQC analysis has three different variations:

  • CALIBRATE: tests done to calibrate the autotitrator
  • STANDARD: standard analyses
  • REPLICATE: duplicate sample analyzed to check precision and/or accuracy


Data Available in LORE

Alkalinity and pH data is available in the Interstitial Water Standard report and the Expanded Alkalinity report. The IW Standard report combines alkalinity data with all other IW data (IC, ICP, SPEC, Salinity, Chlorinity).

Interstitial Waters Standard Report (only listing alkalinity data)

  • Exp: expedition number
  • Site: site number
  • Hole: hole number
  • Core: core number
  • Type: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X).
  • Sect: section number
  • A/W: archive (A) or working (W) section half.
  • Top offset on section (cm): position of the upper edge of the sample, measured relative to the top of the section.
  • Bottom offset on section (cm): position of the lower edge of the sample, measured relative to the top of the section.
  • Top depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole.
  • Top depth [other] (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole. The location is presented in a scale selected by the science party or the report user.
  • Sampling tool: tool used to collect sample
  • Alkalinity (mM) ALKALINITY: alkalinity of sample in mM, Ability of a solution to neutralize acid to the equivalence point of carbonate
  • pH (none) ALKALINITY: pH of sample, Acidity or basicity of a solution (–log[H+])

Expanded ALKALINITY Report

  • Exp: expedition number
  • Site: site number
  • Hole: hole number
  • Core: core number
  • Type: type indicates the coring tool used to recover the core (typical types are F, H, R, X).
  • Sect: section number
  • A/W: archive (A) or working (W) section half.
  • text_id: full text ID of sample
  • sample_number: sample number of sample. text ID with sample type prefix removed.
  • label_id: id combining exp, site, hole, core, type, sect, A/W, parent sample name (if any), sample name
  • sample_name: name of sample
  • x_sample_state:
  • x_project: expedition project the sample is uploaded under. typically the same as Exp.
  • x_capt_loc: not used
  • location: location sample was taken
  • x_sampling_tool: tool used to collect sample
  • changed_by: name of person who uploaded sample
  • changed_on: date and time sample was uploaded
  • sample_type: type of sample. typically LIQ, for liquid.
  • x_offset: top offset of parent sample where sample was taken in m
  • x_offset_cm: top offset of parent sample where sample was taken in cm
  • x_bottom_offset_cm: bottom offset of parent sample where sample was taken in cm
  • x_diameter: not used
  • x_idmp: not used
  • x_orig_len: not used
  • x_length: length of sample in m
  • x_lengeth_cm:  length of sample in cm
  • status:
  • old_status:
  • original_sample: 
  • parent_sample:
  • standard:
  • login_by: name of person logged into LIMS application used for this test
  • sampled_date: 
  • legacy:
  • test changed_on: date of last edit of analysis
  • test date_started: date analysis was started
  • test group_name: 
  • test status:
  • test old_status:
  • test test_number: number assigned to performed analysis on sample
  • test date_received: date analysis was uploaded to LIMS
  • test instrument: instrument used to perform analysis
  • test analysis: analysis type
  • test x_project: project test was assigned to
  • test version: 
  • test order_number:
  • test replicate_test:
  • rest sample_number: sample number for sample the analysis was performed on
  • Top depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole.
  • Bottom depth CSF-A (m): position of observation expressed relative to the top of the hole.
  • Top depth CSF-B (m):
  • Bottom depth CSF-B (m):
  • alkalinity (mM): measured alkalinity value in mM, Ability of a solution to neutralize acid to the equivalence point of carbonate
  • correction_factor: Correction factor for non-ideal behavior of samples to adjust calibration
  • pH: measured pH value, Acidity or basicity of a solution (–log[H+])
  • sample description: description/comment of sample
  • test test_comment: comment added for performed analysis
  • result comments: comment added for analysis results








Ability of a solution to neutralize acid to the equivalence point of carbonate



Acidity or basicity of a solution (–log[H+])



Amount of 0.1 M HCl added to the sample during titration


Correction factor for non-ideal behavior of samples to adjust calibration




Ability of a solution to neutralize acid to the equivalence point of carbonate



Acidity or basicity of a solution (–log[H+])



Amount of 0.1 M HCl added to the sample during titration


Correction factor for non-ideal behavior of samples to adjust calibration


Slope of the calibration equation


Intercept value of the calibration equation



Correlation coefficient of the calibration
