Versions Compared


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set timing on
set serveroutput on
call transfer.copy_cleanout_new_tables(); -- (1)
call transfer.box_asman_catalog_delete('EXP346'); -- (2) Last expedition
call transfer.box_lime_audit_delete(###);    -- (4)
call transfer.box_lims_expedition_delete('346');  -- (3) Last expedition
call transfer.box_lims_cleanup();
call transfer.box_lims_defrag(); -- (5)

Logging the effort quantifies the experience for future improvements. Please place the log file in an expedition folder under v:\ad\support\###...\box\

The box_lims_expedition_delete() step is the longest. Monitoring is required.

If material from another expedition was analyzed on this expedition, it may be necessary to delete that content too, e.g. call box_lims_expedition_delete('344(312)');

  1. VARIANCE: If you need to keep some data from the previous expedition for the next expedition, skip this step. Even if you forget, you can still copy what you need from TRANSFER.NEW_tables without having to resort to the data pump import tool.
  2. VARIANCE: If you need to keep some data from the previous expedition for reference on the next expedition, then custom SQL is required to preserve what you need. And you must communicate with the MCS to ensure what you need is preserved on the ASMAN file system--their routine is to expunge the previous expedition.
  3. VARIANCE: If multiple expeditions need to be cleaned, repeat the command for each expedition.
  4. You must look up and specify ###. The script as written deletes all audit keys <= ### from x_lime_audit_main. The deletion cascades to linked audit detail.
  5. Defragmentation of the space used by SAMPLE, TEST, RESULT is recommended, but not required if you are pressed for time. "Coalescing" of the RESULT table alone typically takes 9 hours in the shipboard environment. Doing so on a warehouse does take days with spinning disk.
