A Non-Description Tech's Guide

FAQ Table of Contents


This guide covers 16 of the most commonly asked questions by description and paleontology scientists about DESClogik. The guide is intended to assist technicians and scientists when the Description technician is unavailable.

1. I can't login to DESClogik.

If a scientist can't log into DESClogik, it could be two things. Either they have changed their e-mail password, but not their LIMS password; or, they have not been assigned privileges to DESClogik. To change their LIMS password: go to the ship website, Access LIMS Applications, then click Change password (second from the top; http://web.ship.iodp.tamu.edu/ChangePassword). Enter your information and it should change instantly. If their password is correct, and they still can't access DESClogik, they may not have privileges. See the Curator as they are responsible for setting privileges.

2. Which template do I use?

To select a template click on the big "T" at the top left of the main screen in the Spreadsheet Tools tab. Choose from the templates listed in your expedition (Figure 1). Double click the one you want to work on. All other expeditions should not be visible to the scientist; if they are, notify DESC Tech (admin).

Figure 1. Template Selection

3. I am a paleontologist, how do I enter my samples?

Scientists are responsible for entering paleo and smear slide samples in Sample Master. For most paleo samples, these will be taken off of the PAL whole round. Paleo samples are then children of the PAL with the test being their respective sub-discipline. Smear slide samples will be children of either the archive or working section-halves, and are designated by the test "ss". Two quick guides have been created for entering paleo and smear slide samples into Sample Master. These are usually given to the scientists before our first core. These guides are located on Confluence and within the following folder: V:\IODP_Share\ALL things DESClogik\Technician Guides and Quick Starts.

There are several other guides and resources in that folder which help with common entry mistakes, printing labels and general tips. Any of these guides can be given directly to the scientists.

4. How do I find my samples in DESClogik?

To enter data or to download existing data, you need to use the sample selection (and corresponding filter feature) in DESClogik. This is the only way to enter or view data (Figure 2). The "select sample" icon is directly connected to samples available within Sample Master.

Users MUST have a sample type (left column of the sample selection window) selected, or no samples will show up in the sample selection. The column on the right (test lists) is only used to further filter sample types.

NOTE: Paleontologists have to filter by Sample types and Test list, so, which boxes to check depend on how they have entered their sample into Sample Master. Common sample types are "TPCK" for nannofossils, diatoms and radiolarians, and "OTHR" for foraminifera (forams). Ignore test list types FORAMB and FORAMP. For pale samples, careful that you do not enter paleo data on chemistry samples. Test filters are pretty straightforward as long as samples were created with the correct test. A paleo example is shown in Figure 3 below.

Figure 2. Sample Selection. Shown here is the section half selection for core description.

Figure 3. Paleontological Sample Selection. In this figure a nannofossil sample is selected.

5. How do I upload data, and how do I know it's been uploaded?

Figure 4. Uploading Data. Note the cell color changes from blue to normal when upload is complete.

6. How do I download my data/Why can't I download my data?

NOTE: If you do not see your data,  first try and download by Hole. This will catch all sample types entered as well as all depths. Potential mistakes are that data has been assigned to the wrong sample or that depths have shifted and need to be re-calculated in Sample Master. It is also possible that data was not uploaded, or it has been cancelled. If this is the case see a DESC tech. 

Note: Deleting and canceling in DESClogik mean two different things.

8. How do I export an Excel copy of my data?

NOTE: Export progress window will often hang after it finishes. If this happens, close the window with the red "x" in the corner.

Figure 5. Exporting Data as an Excel Workbook.

9. How do I import data to my template?

NOTE: It is very easy to mess up which data goes with which sample. Especially since the cell you click to paste in will auto populate with the sample selected from the "Select Sample" icon. This auto populated sample will be overwritten by your import; however, it can add to confusion.

10. How do I move, widen, or remove columns/Can I change the look of my template?

Scientists have a few options when it comes to customizing their templates. They can:

To do any of these changes: simply right click on a column header. Permissions are set by the DESC administrator, so some features may not be available.

NOTE:  When right clicking, and choosing "Edit Visibility", you can change the visibility of all columns by checking or unchecking the column boxes. When hiding columns, data associated with it will not disappear; however, the column will have to be un-hidden to view downloaded data.

NOTE: Changes can be saved permanently or per session; a dialogue warning will appear after each action (Figure 6). Changes apply to all users of that template, thus make sure you and your team agree on the changes made.

Figure 6. Template Changes Warning

11. My data looks different then when I uploaded it/there are duplicate descriptions?

12. DESClogik froze while uploading data, what do I do and how can I recover my data?

Admins can browse autosaved files by timestamp. The last save is on the bottom of the list. make sure the entry screen is clear and select the appropriate file, and click "Load". The program will populate the template with all the entries at the time of autosave (Figure 8). These entries will have to be uploaded to save them to the database, so click back onto the 'Spreadsheet Tools" tab. It's not perfect, and some entries might not be there. The user need to check what's there and upload when they are satisfied. Hit the "Upload" icon at the top of the window.

Figure 7. Recovery and Admin Login Screen.

Figure 8. Autosave File Browser and Loader.

13. DESClogik gives a warning message when I try to exit/clear samples?

Figure 9. Error Message of Un-uploaded Data.

14. Do I need to describe the missing whole-round samples, like PALs and IWs, in DESC?

15. Where are hand lenses, scrapers, smear slide sheets, etc.…?

16. I need to add a term to our value lists.

17. How do I add thin section images to the thin_section overview tab in the microscopic template?

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