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Automated Vane Shear Strength: Quick Start Guide
V. 372 – T. Cobb

Set up the software to run samples


Click on the GeoLab Icon on the Desktop to start the GeoLAB application (Figure 1).


Start a new project for each site: Project > new > project > Expedition_SiteHole (Figure 2).


Start a new test in the project folder: Project > new > test > CoreTypeSection_Offset or TextID_Offset.


Keep the subdirectory highlighted, and click on EXCEL from within the application (Figure 2).


Select the Excel template (e.g., AVS_master_XXXX.xls) (Figure 3). The PP technician will select and save a master file for each particular expedition.


Check the rotation speed (1–1.5) and vane type (A, drop-down list) (Figure 4).







Figure 1. GeoLab Icon.

Figure 2. New Project.

Figure 3. Excel Templates.

Figure 4. Rotation Speed and Vane Type.

Run the sample measurement


Insert the vane into the sediment, by turning the black handle clockwise, until the top of the wings are even with the sediment surface. Avoid obviously disturbed areas (cracks, gaps, bioturbation, etc.) and note that the test is not suitable for sand or gravel-sized material or for clay that contains sand or silt laminations.
IMPORTANT! If the brass fitting pushes out of the support beam below the hand crank, the sediment is too hard for this test. Do not attempt to force the vane into the sediment as you may damage the instrument!


Open the Excel spreadsheet from within GeoLAB by clicking on the Excel icon.


Use the barcode gun to scan the section information into the yellow cell below the graph. Be sure to cut everything past the textID (e.g., TEST-U341PA…) and paste into an adjacent cell (Figure 8).


Measure and enter the offset from top of section (blue cap) into the top interval field (light blue box), then click Enter.


Modify this information for each core measured.


With GeoLAB already open, Click on init; set sample-time to 1 or 2 readings/sec (i.e., sampling rate); and click the traffic light icon to start the measurement (Figure 5a). Monitor the test curve on the Excel screen (Figure 6). When the maximum shear strength of the sediment (highest point of the curve) has been reached, stop the test by clicking the STOP sign icon in the GeoLAB application (Figure 5b).


Save the Excel template with its data as a .CSV (comma delimited) file using Save As…: Path = C:\data\gantry\in; Filename = LabelID_offset_AVS.csv.


Close the EXCEL application, without saving it again, (LIMS will not upload the file if it is in use).

Figure 5a. Set Acquisition Parameters. Figure 5b (click stop sign after the measurement).
Curve peaks, and should then fall or flat-lineRotation SpeedVane Type A
Figure 6. Monitor Acquisition.

Figure 8. Paste Barcode TEXT_ID (make sure to segregate the TEXT_ID and Label_ID so it will upload properly).

Upload data to LIMS


Launch MegaUploadaTron (MUT, Applications Folder: IODP) if it is not already running.


Check to see if the AVS file(s) are present on the screen. If not, select the proper Upload Directory in the MUT application under File.


Click on the directory of choice (e.g., C:/gantry/IN) and check the MUT dialog window. The files to be uploaded should be present in this window.


Select the files to be uploaded, or use the Select All checkbox in the lower left corner of MUT.


Click the Upload button to load the data into LIMS. Note: MUT will automatically search the .CSV data file and select the peak shear value.


Users may also check the Automatic Upload checkbox for future uploads without any user intervention required.

Retrieve data from LIMS


Go to LIMS Reports at


Under Select Report, choose Physical Properties > Shear Strength Automated Vane (AVS).


Under Select Sample Range, specify Expedition, Site, Hole, and Section data to retrieve.


Click View data or Download data file to view data on screen or download a CSV file.

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