Versions Compared


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The IMS-SRM software can be launched from the Windows Start menu or from a desktop icon (Figure 1).

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Figure 1- SRM Desktop Icon


  • Tests all instrument communications
  • Reloads configuration values
  • Homes the tray in the track
  • Sets the degauss controller to a known state

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Figure 2- SRM IMS Main Window


The four buttons on the IMS-UI window provide access to utilities/editors via dropdown menus as shown in Figure 3.

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Figure 3- IMS Control Panel Drop down menus


2)     Click OK to save the changes and write them to the configuration file. Click Cancel to revert to previous values.

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Figure 4- SRM Parameters Window






Degauss and Drift Locations Track Setup


  • These values should never change unless the hardware is replaced or the configuration file is corrupted.

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Figure 5- Degauss and Drift Position Configuration Window


Making changes to the tray settings will invalidate the background measurement. The user will be given a warning when they try to start a measurement.  A new background will be needed before a measurement can be completed.

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Figure 6- Section Tray Editor Window

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Figure 7- Discrete Tray Editor Window









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 Figure 8- Warning window when current tray settings and last background measurement do not match


  • Interval: Interval in cm between measurements. This is only valid for SECTION HALF measurements. The measurement interval can range from 0.1 to 20 cm. The most common measurement intervals used are 2.5 cm, 5 cm, and 10 cm.
  • Average: The number of measurements to take at each position. The measurements will be averaged and the mean will be written to the data files.
  • Leader/Trailer Length: The distance in cm that is measured before and after the section. This is used in deconvolution processing.

Measurement Speed: User selects slow or fast speed, which determines the settling time and data filter.  Slow speed reduces noise while fast speed completes measurements more quickly.  Slow speed is recommended.
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Figure 9- Measurement Editor Window

FLUX Alarm Threshold: The flux count value above which the SRM program will trigger a Flux Jump Alarm. Flux counts between the positive and negative threshold value will not trigger the alarm.


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Figure 10- DAQ Invalid Warning in Measurement Editor Window


Click OK to exit the Measurement Editor Window once the parameters are set. Select Revert to return to the previous values or select Cancel to leave the window without saving any changes.

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Figure 11- Section Tray and Discrete Tray Background Windows


2)     Click START to begin the background measurement process.


Figure 12- Background Confirmation Window

When     When the process is complete the user will be prompted to save and use the background data (Figure 12).

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Figure 12- Background Confirmation Window

If the data are saved, a new background tray file will be written. The most recent tray measured for each type (section or discrete) will be kept in memory.


Creating a Measurement Sequence


Figure 13- Sequence Editor Window

Open     Open the Sequence Editor (Figure 13) by selecting selecting DAQ > Sequence Editor from  from the IMS panel menu (Figure 3).

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Figure 13- Sequence Editor Window

2)     Select a sequence action on the left side of the window. In-line and off-line treatments are mutually exclusive. Once a treatment type is selected, the other treatment type will be disabled.

  • Measure only should be used to make an NRM measurement.
  • In-line AF Demag allows users to assign a degaussing step with a field ranging from 1 to 80 mT.

Figure 14- Offline Treatment Window

  • Off-line


  • Treatment will place an “off-line treatment” into the sequence list.  Accept the sequence.  A dialog box will be triggered (Figure 14) during


  • the measurement process


  •  prompting the user to perform an offline treatment. The user may enter the type of offline treatment and comments regarding the treatment. The types of treatments available are shown in Figure 14.


  • Click Continue


  • Sequence to continue with the measurement


  • and Abort to end the sequence.

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Figure 14- Offline Treatment Window

33)     Users may copy an existing sequence from a file by clicking the Copy From File button.

  • A new window with a list of existing sequences will be displayed (Figure 15).
  • Select an existing sequence and press the Copy button.


  • Once selected, a sequence will be displayed in


  • the sequence action list


  •  and the user may edit the sequence (Figure 13).

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Figure 15- Copy Sequence File Window

4)     Click Add to List to place a new step into the sequence action list.


  • Verify the area. Piston cores should be 17.50 cm2 and Rotary cores should be 13.40 cm2.


Figure 16- Sample Preset Editor Window: Section Half View

Select     Select the section half at the bottom of the window. In most cases this should be ARCHIVE for section halves. 

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Figure 16- Sample Preset Editor Window: Section Half View

5)     For Discrete Specimens, Select a Discrete Cube shape and orientation (Figure 17).


Place the cube into the tray so that the cube arrow matches the preset display.


Figure 17- Sample Preset Editor: Discrete Sample View

Select     Select the section half at the bottom of the window. In most cases this should be WORKING for discrete samples. 

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Figure 17- Sample Preset Editor: Discrete Sample View

Save the Sample Preset

1)     Check the white square box on the right side of the screen (Figure 16 and Figure 17).


4)     Select UPDATE BUTTON to save the preset.

Figure 18- Edit Preset Window. Name a new preset, update an existing preset, or disable a preset button.


  • Disable Button will clear any preset already saved to this button.
  • Cancel edit will  will close the edit preset button name window without making any changes.

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Figure 18- Edit Preset Window. Name a new preset, update an existing preset, or disable a preset button.

5)     The preset name should be visible on the right hand side of the page. Figure 17 has two presets assigned: SHLF- Archive and J-Cube Arch Top Away.


1)     From a single button:


  • Open the button as if to name a preset.
  • Select Select Disable Button.

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Figure 19- Clear Presets Confirmation Window

2)     For all six buttons:



Measurement Sequence Tab


The user can select a premade measurement sequence in the the Measurement Sequence tab  tab (Figure 20). The last used measurement sequence will remain in memory and is displayed at the bottom of the sample information window. If the sequence displayed is correct, the user does not need to utilize the measurement sequence tab.


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Figure 2120- Sample Information Window: Section Half Scanner Sample EntryMeasurement Sequence Selection

The user can select a premade measurement sequence in the Measurement Sequence tab (Figure 20). The last used measurement sequence will remain in memory and is displayed at the bottom of the sample information window. If the sequence displayed is correct, the user does not need to utilize the measurement sequence tab.

  • Click on sequence name in the Measurement SequenceFiles list to start a sequence with the first step.
  • To begin at a specific step within a sequence, click on a step in


  • the sequence action


  •  list and highlight it blue. Be careful!


  •  If a demagnetization step is highlighted blue in


  • the sequence action list,


  • the demagnetization


  •  process will start once


  • the MEASURE


  •  button is pressed. As of November 2018 this feature does not work. 

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Figure 21- Sample Information Window: Section Half Scanner Sample Entry

Section Half Sample Entry


To override the section length, first scan the label on the Scan tab and then select the Manual tab. The Sample ID and Text ID values will be copied. Enter the length in the USER Length numeric control and then click the USE ME button.

6)        Click MEASURE.

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Figure 22- Sample Information Window: Section Half LIMS Entry


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Figure 23- Sample Information Window: Section Half Manual Entry


  • Manual entry mode: Type in the sample label ID (i.e., 362-U1480B-1H-2-W 117/119-PMAG) and LIMS Text ID (i.e., CUBE7990351) (Figure 26). Anything will be accepted, but that does not guarantee the data will upload. The ID information must match an actual sample in order for the data to upload.
  • Click the USE ID and Length Values button to use the ID information. Double click on a Tray Position to assign the ID information to that tray position.
  • The Sample ID and LIMS ID should be displayed below the manual entry tab as seen in Figure 26.

5)        Click MEASURE to begin measuring the discrete samples

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Figure 24- Sample Information Window: Discrete Scanner EntryEntry 





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Figure 25- Sample Information Window: Discrete LIMS Entry




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Figure 26- Sample Information Window: Discrete Manual Entry


  • A black diamond next to the tray position number indicates that a sample has been assigned to this position. Click on the tray position to display information about the discrete sample in the tray information box (Figure 27).

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Figure 27- Entry fields on Discrete Sample Entry. Note the ID in the Tray Information window must not be blank or no name will be assigned to the measurements during the saving process.

  • To clear a tray position, hold the CONTROL key on the keyboard and double click the tray position you would like to clear.
  • The Reload Discrete Tray button reloads the sample names of the last measured tray of discrete specimens. Make sure that the physical samples are placed in the tray in the correct order and position.


  • tray in the correct order and position.
  • Each discrete sample can only be assigned to one position in the tray. If the user tries to assign the same sample ID to two positions in the tray, an error message will appear (Figure 28). Change the Sample ID.

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Figure 28- Discrete Sample Entry Error Message: Appears when the user tries to assign one sample name to multiple tray positions.


Database Validation

Figure 30- Checking LIMS-JR Webservice Connection Window


Whenever there is a live network connection to the LIMS database, IDs entered with either the Scanner or LIMS tabs will be validated and values such as section length for sections halves or sample offset for discrete samples will be updated with the most current value. If the connection fails when either the LIMS tab is selected or when scanning a barcode, the user will see this error message (Figure 29). If you click Check Connection, the program will attempt to connect with the LIMS database, opening the window shown in Figure 30.

If Disable LIMS is clicked or the reconnection fails, the LIMS tab is disabled, the Network Status indicator turns red, and a button labled Connect to LIMS appears (Figure 31). Clicking this button will attempt a LIMS reconnection.

Figure 31- Network Status Indicator

When the Network Status indicator is red, the program will use the information stored in the barcode. Generally, for sections this information is correct but if the core has been curated and the length changed, the length value may be wrong and there is a possiblity that measurment will not include all of the material. It is always good practice to check the length against the meter stick on the sample handler.

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Figure 29- Web Services Connection Error

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Figure 30- Checking LIMS-JR Webservice Connection Window

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Figure 31- Network Status Indicator

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Figure 32- Invalid background measurement warning message


  • If START is pressed and the background interval and measurement interval are mismatched, the user will receive an error (Figure 32) and be sent back to the IMS-SRM main window.
  • This prevents the user from measuring a section or discrete samples with invalid or mismatched


  • background data.
  • The preset must match the label type (i.e., working half preset will only accept a working half label ID). If the preset and label do not match, the user will be notified (Figure 33).





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Figure 33- Mismatched label and preset warning message

During a Measurement

Active Display


  • The maximum flux counts recorded during each step and the remaining flux counts at the end of measurement step can be monitored to identify flux jumps. See the Special Features section for more information on flux jump monitoring.
  • When a sequence is completed, the program returns to the sample information window.













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Figure 34-SRM Display during Measurement

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Figure 35-Degausser Internal Error Window


Emergency Procedures

There are multiple features available in the IMS-SRM software and hardware for addressing SRM measurement emergencies. These features are:


SRM Software Abort Button


The SRM Software Software Abort button  button is on the left side of the screen during measurements (Figure 34). Clicking this button brings up a window with three options (Figure 36).

  • ABORT Return to Load: Return the section to home. If the the Abort was  was clicked during a degaussing step, the degausser will ramp down before the core is moved to the load position.

Figure 37 Motor Power Turned off Warning


  • ABORT Do Not Move: Leave the core exactly where it was


  • when Abort


  •  was clicked and exit the measurement process. This feature is useful if a core is jammed and further action is needed before moving the tray to the load position. Motor power is shut off and the user is given a warning when this option is selected (


  • Figure 37)

  • Continue: Continue the sequence from the exact point

    that Abort was clicked.

    that Abort was clicked.

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Figure 36- SRM User Abort Window

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Figure 37 Motor Power Turned off Warning

If the user aborts during a degaussing step a dialogue box will appear and the system will automatically begin ramping down (Figure 37 Motor Power Turned off WarningFigure 38).

Figure 38- Degauss Abort Warning Window

  In this status window, the user has multiple options:

  • Ramp Down: If the system does not automatically begin ramping down, the user may attempt to use the ramp down command.  The degausser will not accept a command if it is ramping up or down.
  • Continue: Move the core back to the first degauss stating position and ramp up the first coil and begin the sequence again. (Currently this behavior is malfunctioning and moves the core to finally staging position and then sends another dialogue box).
  • ABORT Return to Load: Return the section to home position
  • ABORT Do Not Move: Leave the core exactly where it was when Abort  was clicked and exit the sequence.


  • Get Status:


  •  Ask the degausser for its status and display the results. See the degausser manual for specifics on what each of these codes means (Figure 39).


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Figure 38- Degauss Abort Warning Window

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Figure 39- Degausser status window



SRM Hardware Abort buttons


  • There are two hardware Abort buttons for the SRM track system. One is positioned next to the load zone of the track (Figure 40), and the other is above the SRM computer monitors. These emergency stop buttons will immediately stop track motion. These buttons remain locked in position until the user manually unlocks them by twisting the red knob.
  • The user abort dialogue box (Figure 36) will appear when the hardware abort buttons are pressed. The hardware abort does not control the degausser behavior.

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Figure 40- Hardware Emergency Stop Button

Ramp Down Now

Selecting Instruments > SRM: Ramp Down Now from the IMS panel menu (Figure 3) will immediately send the ramp-down command to the in-line degauss controller. If successful, the active coil will ramp down to zero.


A few special features are available in the IMS-SRM software to help the user facilitate the measurement process on a variety of materials. These features include:

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Figure 41- Pause and Confirm Button


  • Exclude Intervals
  • MagSpy data visualization program
  • Flux Jump Alarm
  • LIMS Filters

Pause and Confirm


Pause and Confirm


Typically, a user sets a measurement sequence and lets the program complete the sequence to the last step. But if a user decides they wish to monitor the data collection more closely, a feature called Pause and Confirm is available.


There are 6 available actions for the user to select in the Pause and Confirm screen.

  • Save Data?: When  When activated, the most recent measurement data are written to a file and placed in the IN folder for upload. The program defaults to saving all data; the user must choose to not save.
  • Repeat Measurement?: Repeats the  Repeats the measurement that  that just concluded.
  • Repeat Sequence Step?: Repeats the  Repeats the demagnetization process and the  and the measurement of  of the most recent step.  (Currently restarts the entire sequence, not just the particular step)
  • End Sequence?: Ends  Ends the sequence immediately; program returns to the sample information window
  • Insert a New Sequence Step?: Inserts  Inserts a new step to the sequence during a run run without stopping  stopping the measurement sequence process. If an additional step is added the sequence will be saved with a new name.
  • Reduce Speed: User  User may choose to reduce all movement speeds by 10 or remain at the normal operating speed.

Select Select ACCEPT to  to initiate the IMS-SRM program to perform the actions selected in the Pause and Confirm window.


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Figure 4342- Pause and Confirm Window

Exclude Intervals


The Exclude Intervals feature is available in the Sample Information Window (Figure 21) and applies only to section halves, whole rounds, and U-channels. This feature is especially useful when measuring cores with sandy intervals or hard rock pieces that are surrounded by bins of rumble.

To turn Exclude Intervals ON:

1)     Click Click Exclude Intervals to  to open the Exclude Intervals window (Figure 43).

2)     Enter the top and bottom offset of the interval to exclude from measurement. Multiple intervals may be selected at a time.

3)     Select Select OK once  once all intervals are set. The program returns to the Sample Information window.

The indicator next to the exclude intervals button on the sample information window should now be green green (Figure 44).

The excluded intervals will be automatically cleared once the measurement sequence has completed.  To manually turn off or edit the excluded intervals:


Figure 44- Exclude Intervals Indicator

     Click Exclude Intervals to open the Exclude Intervals window

2)      Select Clear All to remove all excluded intervals OR select the specific interval to be cleared and select the Clear Interval button. Click Exclude Intervals to open the Exclude Intervals window

3)     Click Cancel to exit out of the window


Caution! The entire core will still be demagnetized! Only the measurement process is controlled by the Exclude feature.

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Figure 43- Exclude Intervals Window

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Figure 44- Exclude Intervals Indicator 45- MagSpy Desktop Icon

MagSpy Data Visualization Program

MagSpy is opened by selecting selecting Instruments > SRM: Display Plots from  from the IMS Panel menu (Figure 3), or it can be opened by double clicking the desktop icon (Figure 45).

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Figure 4645- MagSpy Data Visualization WindowDesktop Icon

Plots include: an equal area diagram, Zijderveld plot, demagnetization graph, and graphs of inclination, declination, intensity, and XYZ moments for each discrete sample or point measured on a section (Figure 46).

  • Move the red vertical bar along the intensity plot to scroll through each measurement point for a section or each discrete sample in a tray.
  • Only current data can be viewed.
  • MagSpy includes the ship’s heading data from the WinFrog navigation system (via the JRData Server). If the data is not available, the heading will not update. No error notice will be given.
  • The The Print Current View Button  Button prints the current Zijderveld plot, equal area diagram, and demagnetization plot. The command is sent immediately to the PC’s default printer.


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Figure 4746- MagSpy Data Visualization Window

Flux Jump



This feature notifies the user if the remaining negative or positive flux counts during a measurement exceed a user-determined threshold value. 

  • The flux jump alarm threshold parameter is set in the Measurement Editor window found under under DAQ > Measurement Editor Editor (Figure 3).
  • The SRM Parameters window will open and the user may alter the Flux Alarm Threshold value (Figure 9).
  •  If the remaining flux counts at the end of a measurement sequence exceed the flux alarm threshold, the Pause and Confirm window will open with a flux jump warning message (Figure 47).
  • The user may adjust the data acquisition speed to reduce the likelihood of flux jumps:

Two options are available for DAQ speed reduction (Figure 48).

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Figure 47- Flux Jump Warning after a measurement

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Figure 48- Reduce Speed Drop-down Menu


  • Click LIMS Filter to open the LIMS Filter setup window (Figure 49).
  • To filter for PMAG samples only, enter PMAG in the sample name field.
  • To save the filter, click Done. Only the discrete samples that match the filter criteria will be shown in the LIMS hierarchy search.
  • To clear the filter options, select Clear All. Click Done to clear the filter from memory.

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Figure 49- LIMS filter setup window









There are six main utilities currently available within the IMS-SRM software. These can be found under the Instruments menu (Figure 3). The six utilities are:


  • SQUID Meter settings: The user can adjust the SRM settings with controls on the right side of the screen. Options in bold are the default settings used for the SRM.
    • Filter: 1, 10, 100 Hz or WB
    • Range: 1X, 10X, 100X or EXT
    • Slew: On, OFF
    • Feedback: Open, Close
      • Period box: Set the frequency of measurements
      • Time Unit Switch: Set time series units to minutes or seconds with the control on the top of the screen.
      • Select START to begin the measurement (button label will toggle to STOP).
      • Select STOP to end the measurement process.
      • Clear graphs: Use Clear Graphs to clear any previous data from the screen.
      • Save data: Select this button to output the data currently shown on the graphs to a .csv file
        • Note: Right click on the individual graphs to open a context menu and export the data for that graph directly to MS Excel. This will only output the data for the selected graph.
      • Select Done to close the Time Series Utility.

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Figure 50- Time Series Utility during Measurement



DAFI Utility

The DAFI utility collects and displays 3 channels of data from the National Instruments USB-6008 Multifunction I/O device (or any equivalent DAXmx compliant device) against track position. This means that the USB-6008 can be connected to the XYZ analog output of the 2G Applied Physics 520 Fluxgate or the single channel analog output of the LE Model 6010 Gauss/Teslameter (Hall Probe) and used to measure the field in the SQUID measurement region or to measure the field produced by the degauss coils. This is best done as a two-person experiment so someone can monitor the cables as the instruments are run through the SRM.

Figure 51- DAFI Utility Setup Window

The DAFI Utility (Figure 51) is opened by selecting selecting Instruments > SRM: DAFI Utility from  from the IMS Panel menu (Figure 3).


4)     If you are using the Fluxgate magnetometer, set the range of the probe in the ‘Range’ field.  Recommended range is 10 mOe.

5)          Set the Start and End offset for the measurements. The tray will move to place the sensor at the Start offset before any measurements are taken. 

  • Example: If you wish to begin measurements at 160 cm from the home position, enter 160 cm in the start offset field.

6)     Click Click START and  and monitor cables as the tray moves into the SRM. The measurement window will open (Figure 2) and the measurements will begin.

7)     Data will be saved automatically to C:\AUX_DATA\DAFI when measurements are successfully completed.

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Figure 51- DAFI Utility Setup Window

U-Turn Utility

The U-turn utility is used when a core has been put into the SRM with the top of the core nearest the SRM. The background data is applied incorrectly in this situation, and therefore the values need to be recalculated. This utility performs the recalculations and produces data files for upload.


  • Select a mode for correcting the data (Figure 53).
    • Change to Working flips the data so that the data is in working coordinates
    • Change to Archive flips the data so that the data is in archive coordinates
    • Flip Top to Btm corrects the data when a core is placed in the track with the top of the core toward the SRM
    • Select a file or a folder of files to correct
      • Select Read File to correct one file
      • Select Process Folder to correct a large number of files.  Before selecting process folder, place the files to be corrected in a new folder.
      • Once the Read File or Process Folder button is selected, a browser window will open. User should select a file or folder of files to correct.
      • The folder of processed data is output as soon as Process Folder is selected in the browser window
      • For a single file, user must select Confirm to output the files on the U-turn screen to output the file


      • the file

The files are written directly to C:\Data\IN

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Figure 52- U-Turn Utility Window

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Figure 53- Close up of U-Turn Mode Selection Drop Down Menu

Figure 55- U-Turn Utility Sample Comparison Window

Figure 54- U-Turn Utility Corrected File Display

When a single file is processed the U-Turn utility will display the original file, the corrected file (Figure 54), and a sample comparison window (Figure 55). The user can page between each of these windows using the tabs. Nothing will be displayed if the Process Folder button is used.


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Figure 54- U-Turn Utility Corrected File Display

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Figure 55- U-Turn Utility Sample Comparison Window


USB6008 Utility

The USB6008 Utility is a free-form utility designed to allow the user to hook up any instrument to the USB6008 (Figure 56). This can be particularly useful in locating the position of the SQUIDS and Degauss Coils when used with the Motion Widget control. During field trapping, the USB6008 can be attached and the signal of each SQUID can be monitored with this utility.


  • The utility immediately begins to measure (Figure 58).
  • Adjust the position of the sensor and tray using the motion widget.
  • When measurements are complete, click Done to exit.

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Figure 56- USB6008 Device

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Figure 57- Motion Widget WindowFigure 56- USB6008 Device

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Figure 58- USB6008 Utility Window


Data Recovery Utility

During normal and background data acquisitions, all pertinent data is recorded to a LabVIEW data log file in real-time as a means to recover data in case of a hardware/software crash or file corruption.

NOTE, this data is overwritten each time a new measurement starts (when the first drift measurement is taken). Recovery of previous data must be completed prior to the first drift measurement.

Figure 59- Data Recovery Utility Window

To recover data from the data log file select select Instruments > SRM: Data Recovery from  from the IMS panel menu (Figure 3). Data from the data log is immediately written to both the SRM load (data upload file format) and the standard backup file (csv format). The data recovery window opens to confirm completion of operations (Figure 59).

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Figure 59- Data Recovery Utility Window

Degauss Utility

The degauss utility can be used to send commands to the degauss controller and to retrieve the status of the degauss controller (Figure 60).  The user can ramp up, ramp down, and get the current status of each coil.  The utility will automatically ramp down after a set amount of time to prevent over heating the coils.  Get Status can be pressed while the system is ramped up or down.  If the status window appears blank, try again.  The system may have been between commands when the Get Status command was sent.  The value behind the letter A is the field the degausser is at in Gauss.  The letter following the C is the active coil.  See the degausser vendor manual for further details on what the values in the status window mean.

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Figure 6008D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000F00000044006500670061007500730073005500740069006C006900740079000000 - 60 Degauss Controller Utility.  The status window displayed in the right side image appears when Get Status is pressed.

File Formats and File Uploading


File is saved in the folder: C:\IMS\CONFIG\CURRENT.

Motion Control Setup:

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Figure 61- M-Drive Motion Setup


  • Make sure to use the values shown for the SRM (Figure 62).

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Figure 62- SRM Motor and Track Options Setup Window


  • The relationship between motor revolutions and linear motion of the track is defined in this window and is critical to both safe and accurate operation.
    • Select Axis: In the case of the SRM it is always X.
    • Encoder Pulses/rev: Defined by the manufacturer of the M-Drive as 2048.
    • Screw Pitch: Set to 0.0627 (the ratio of 2048 steps per revolution and chain displacement (cm) as a function of the drive gears diameter).
    • Gear Ratio: There is not a reduction gear so this value is set to 1.
    • Direction: Clockwise rotation moves the tray in a positive direction (from home to end of track).
    • Click the Motion Utlity button to open the Motion Utility window (Figure 63) and test the settings. Click Close to exit this window.
    • Click Done to save the values or Cancel to return to previous values.

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Figure 63- Motion Utilities Window

Fixed Positions menu


Once these values have been properly set, they should not change. This panel is only for initial setup.


  • Select Axis: In the case of the SRM it is always X.
  • Max Section Length: Maximum length of section that can be placed in the track. This value is set to 160 cm.
  • Track Length: Distance in cm between the limit switches. Use the Motion Utility (Figure 63) to determine this value by moving from limit switch to limit switch plus the length of the tray used.
    • Load and Unload: For the SRM set to 0. This will always bring the tray back to the sample load end after a measurement sequence.
    • Top-of-Section Switch?: Not used.
    • Top-of-Section Switch Offset: Not used.
    • Push Past: Not used.
    • Fast Past: Not used.
    • Run Out Switch?: Not used.
    • Click the the Motion Utiilty Utiilty button to open the Motion Utility window (Figure 63) and test the settings. Click Click Close to  to exit this window.
    • Click Click Done to  to save the settings. Click Click Cancel to  to return to previous values.

Note, these values along with the positions set in the Degauss-Drift Location window and the SQUID offset set in the SRM setup window are necessary to fully define the track geometry. Take a lot of care in setting these values!


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Figure 6564- SRM Fixed Positions Window

Limit and Home Switches Window

Once these values have been properly set, they should not change. This panel is only for initial setup.

  • This panel is used to define the orientation of the track system, limit switches, and the home switch (Figure 65). The MDrive can be used with either a dedicated Home switch or a limit switch as a home switch. In the case of the SRM track we use only a limit switch. There is no home switch installed.
    • Select Axis: In the case of the SRM it is always X.
    • Select Track and Home Geometry: For the SRM, select CW limit.
    • Click the the Motion Utility Utility button to test the settings.
    • Click Click Accept to  to save the settings. Click Click Cancel to  to return to previous values.

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Figure 66- Motion Profiles 65- SRM Limit and Home Switches Window

Motion Profiles

The motion profiles window can be used to adjust the speed and acceleration profiles used by the track (Figure 66) for various types of movements.


  • DAQ Move: This profile controls moves between measurement positions (leader and trailer measurements included) and the move to the drift 2 position. Set this to a reasonable speed with gradual acceleration and watch out for flux jumps. In addition, when you use the speed reduction feature to control flux jumps, this value is the base value for the reduction.
  • Limit Seek: This profile is used for the following moves:
    • This profile finds the limit switch location. Do not exceed 3 cm/sec. Do not use a large acceleration value, but always use a large deceleration value.
    • Home Final: This profile finds the final location of the home switch. Do not exceed 3 cm/sec. Do not use a large acceleration value, but always use a large deceleration value.
    • Load/Unload: This profile is used for moving the tray in and out of the SRM for general movements and moving out of the SRM to the final position prior to ending a measurement or beginning the next degaussing step.
    • Drift 1: This profile is used to move to the drift 1 position and to move from the last trailer position to the drift 2 position
    • Drift 2:  Unused
    • Degauss Stage: This profile is used to move to the degauss start position
    • Degaussing: This profile is used to move the section/discrete samples from degauss stage position through the in line AF degauss coils for X, Y, and Z.
    • User Define: This profile is used for testing only in the Motion Utilities (Figure 63) program.
      • Click the Motion Utility button to open the Motion Utility (Figure 63) window and test the settings.
      • Click Done to save the settings. Click Cancel to return to previous values.

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Figure 66- Motion Profiles Window