Versions Compared


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The 3D holder can measure the AMS and bulk susceptibility in approximately 1.5 minutes whereas the 2D classic holder takes approximately 3 minutes to complete the full set of measurements. Another benefit to the 3D holder is the sample has to be handled only one time and therefore there is less chance for positioning errors.

The 3D holder should not be used for samples with a low susceptibility. The 3D holder has a susceptibility of approximately -30×10−6 SI on Frequency 1 and the susceptibility is higher at frequency 2 and 3. Agico indicates that samples with low degree of anisotropy and/or those with bulk susceptibility below 100 X 10 -6 SI or over 1 X10 -3 SI will be measured more precisely with the classic rotator or manual holder than with the 3D holder. Please review the "Limitations" section of the Agico 3D rotator application note for more information.

Starting the MFK2

  1. Turn on power switch on the back of the MFK2 control unit
    1. A Green light will appear on the front of the MFK2 control unit and on the pick-up unit.
  2. Select Safyr7 Software on the desktop and the program will launch.


User should verify that the Measuring Mode, Field Intensity, and Operation Frequency are properly set before beginning measurements. The instrument automatically detects the type of sample holder (3D or 2D) installed on the unit. NOTE: If the sample holders are switched the instrument should be turned off before disconnecting the holder.

  1. Select Settings: Instrument Settings or press F12
  2. Verify the measurement mode (default is automatic)
  3. Select sample shape, either cube or cylinder. IODP cubes with rounded corners can be used with either shape as long as the sample is loaded into the automatic holder as depicted in the user interface.
    1. When changing the sample shape, Safyr will set the sample volume to a default. This volume can be changed later in the Settings tab under Volume/Mass Susceptibility. For example, the default volume for cylinders is 10cc. If you wish to run the rounded corner cubes as a cylinder, be sure to change the volume to 7cc.
  4. Set Field Intensity. This value defaults to 200 A/m on start up. Recommend default field intensity is 425 A/m. This value corresponds to the root mean square 300 A/m used as default on the previous KLY4 Kappabridge model.
  5. Verify the operating frequency. Default value F1 (976 Hz) is recommended for basic measurements.
  6. When finished, select OK
  7. When the Instrument Configuration window appears, verify configuration is correct and select OK.
  8. Instrument will stabilize for a few seconds after changes are made.
  9. The orientation parameters should be set to 12/0/12/0. If they need to be updated, go to Settings: Anisotropy Settings: Orientation Parameters
  10. Select Settings: Volume/Mass Susceptibility to input a sample volume and select volume or mass normalization. Default is Volume. IODP cubes without the corners have a volume of approximately 7cc. Cubes cut on the rock saw are approximately 8cc.


You are now ready to begin measuring.

  1. Select NEW SPECIMEN and a new specimen window will open.
    1. Scan or enter the sample name
    2. Enter the volume of the sample in cubic centimeters. Plastic cubes with rounded corners are 7cc, hard rock cubes are 8cc, cylinders are generally 10cc.
    3. You have the option to add a note
    4. Enter the number of measurement repetitions in the Auto Repeat box
    5. Select OK
  2. Insert the sample into the specimen holder in the desired orientation.
  3. Select START
    1. The instrument will first take a measurement of the empty coils to zero the instrument.
    2. If the up/down manipulator is enabled the holder will automatically be moved into the pick up coil
    3. If the up/down manipulator is disabled, wait for a long beep then insert the sample into the pick up coil until it rests on the white plastic cylinder. When you hear a short beep indicating that the measurement is complete, remove the sample from the pickup coil.
  4. Select SAVE


To upload MFK2 AMS data to the LORE database, 4 files are needed. These files are the .ams, .ran, .asc, and a .csv. The .csv file must be manually exported from Anisoft5.

Uploading MFK2 AMS data:

  1. Open Anisoft5 software
  2. Select File:Open
  3. In the browser window, select the .ams file for the data to be uploaded and select Open
  4. If any corrections need to be made to the data before uploading (correct a typo in the sample ID, fix azimuth and dip information, etc.) select Edit: Edit Orientation Parameters and save the changes.
  5. Select File:Export and export .csv file
  6. Open MegaUploadaTron (MUT)
  7. Ensure the .asc, .ams, .ran, and .csv file all have the same file name and are in the In data folder
  8. Select Upload in MUT
