Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Figure 2.2-1. Display view, with the Display Preferences tab open on the right.

Figure 2.2.-2. Button two to switch to Data Manager view.


Function (Menu item)

Function description

Root level

Site level

Data group items

Data items

Add new data

Import data from directory





Load data for plotting in Display view.





The specified file is re-imported and the information in Correlator is updated.





Remove from the Correlator database.





Disable or Enable (should read “Enabled” and “Disabled”) status determines whether the data are loaded and can be plotted in the Display view.




Mainly used to generate affine and splice tables as CSV files that can be uploaded to LIMS.




Brings up a modal window with the data in a grid.




Add new data



correlation data

To import data files:

  • Right-click on the top item in the Data Manager window and select Add new data
    • A browser window opens that allows you to browse to the data files in your directory of choice (the path will stick for future imports and updates).
  • Select a single file, or multiple files of the same type (and format). In the example in Fig. 3.2-1, magnetic susceptibility was selected for holes 361-U1476A and 361-U1476B.
    • The first 30 rows of data for each hole are displayed in the Generic Data tab (Fig. 3.2-1).
    • For commonly used data types, all column headers and column data should be automatically and correctly populated.
    • If that is not the case, you get a warning and must specify at least the Depth and the Data columns.
  • Click the Import button at the bottom right and the focus returns to the Data Manager tab where a data summary line is added (Fig. 3.2-2).


Figure 3.2-2. Upon importing data, line items for each data type and each hole are added in the Data Manager tab . Note the Saved Tables folder created for affine and splice tables later created. Also note the Section Summaries folder automatically created and populated with the section summaries from the LIMS registry (more on that below).

Special procedure

Correlator is trying to help you with file naming upon import. However, sometimes you may need to help Correlator learn the import data file, such as when you use correlation data from sources other than the JRSO Downloader app. One workflow, however, requires you to help a little even when using the Correlation Downloader. As described in section 3.1, you may have split the MS data into two files based on which core logger they were obtained from. What happens upon import depends to some degree on the file naming:


  • Right-click on Images in the Data Manager window.
  • Navigate to your local data directory
  • Select the folder containing the JPEG images you want to import and click import.

3.4. Load


Once correlation data have been imported to Correlator and are listed in the hierarchy of the Data Manager window, they reside in Correlator’s own local database. You still need to load the data for display and correlation.


3.5. Update Correlator data


3.6. Export data

Export affine and splice tables


Export correlation data

During the typical JR workflow, you will download the correlation data from LIMS each time the data from a new core are available. This iterative process is facilitated in at least two ways:

  1. The Correlation Downloader application has features that allow the download to be executed efficiently with pre-configured parameters and, most importantly, by appending core data sets to the hole data file so the entire data sets do not need to be downloaded each time (see SCORS Downloader user guide).
  2. The Correlator application remembers the source directory for each data file name so it can update its internal database efficiently.

To update the Correlator internal database with updated files:

  • Select the highest practical item in the Data Manager, right-click and select Update.
    • If an update took place, you should get a confirmation (Fig. 3.5-1).
    • If you don’t get a confirmation, the data in Correlator were presumably up to date already.
  • Select the top directory item and select Load to display the updated data in the Display window.
    • If you simply switch to the Display window without loading the data, you will get a message reminding you (Fig. 3.5-2).
    • Make sure you also load the affine and splice tables again, if applicable.

Figure 3.5-1. Data update context menu and confirmation dialog.

Image Added

Figure 3.5-2. Reminder that you need to load the data after an update.

Image Added

3.6. Export data

Export affine and splice tables

When working with the LIMS database, users on the JR will typically only be exporting affine tables and splice interval tables. Users will subsequently upload these two tables to the LIMS database for each correlated site, using the SCORS Uploader and Manager application, so all necessary data reports can be computed in, and reported from LIMS via the LORE reporting interface. This has the advantage that any LORE user can download any LIMS data type with the CCSF depth scale, or by splice, including data not used in the correlation process. 
To export an affine or splice table, right-click on the item and select Export from the context menu. Browse to your data folder for the site (if necessary) and save.
When you export affine and splice tables, you give them a name, and Correlator adds extensions *. affine.csv and *.sit.csv, respectively. It is advisable that you assign names to these files that make sense as the files will ultimately be uploaded to, and available from the LIMS database. In particular, use a naming scheme that helps you and others recognize associated affine and splice tables. 
Should you import an affine or splice table that you exported in an earlier session, be aware that Correlator will rename the files according to its internal rules.
•    It will ignore your name.
•    It will use the expedition, site and hole number information according to the data in your folder.
•    It will add the extension *.#.affine.table and *.#.sit.table, respectively, where # is an incremental number relative to the existing tables in the Data Manager. 

Export correlation data

The correlation data imported to, and managed in Correlator can also be exported using the context menu in the Data Manager window. The Export item is available for data types (all holes) or each hole separately. Such exports may be needed if users work outside of the LIMS ecosystem, such as users working with IODP data on shore or with non-IODP data. Even if generally working with LIMS on the JR, some users prefer to export directly from Correlator to make preliminary or even final plots. In such cases, users are reminded that they still need to upload the affine and splice tables to LIMS, as described in the previous section.

To export data from Correlator:

  • Right-click on a data type folder in the Data Manager window
  • Select Export from the context menu (Fig. 3.6-1).
    • The dialog in Fig. 3.6-2 appears.
  • Optionally enter a prefix and/or suffix to be appended to the default file name created by Correlator.
  • If you select neither Apply Affine nor Apply Splice:
    • the same raw data will be exported that were imported to Correlator.
    • A default file name will be created following the pattern Exp-Site-Hole_<data_type>_RAW
  • If you select Apply Affine:
    • All the raw data for the specified holes, with the CCSF depth and the cumulative offset columns added, will be exported.
    • A default file name will be created following the pattern Exp-Site-Hole_<data_type>_SHIFTED
  • If you select Apply Splice (which also selects the associated Affine):
    • The data belonging to the splice will be exported.
    • If the data type folder with all hole data was selected for the export (typical case), the splice intervals from all holes are combined into the proper splice.
    • A default file name will be created following the pattern:  <data_type>_SPLICED
  • Click the Export menu item.
    • A browser window opens.
  • Browse to your data folder of choice and click OK.

Figure 3.6-1. Data export context menu.

Image Added

Figure 3.6-2. Export options. A. Export all raw data for this data type. B. Export all data with CCSF depth column added for this data type. C. Export the splice for this data type.

Image Added


Export spliced data and images
