Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


 Establish the measuring time for each beam. To access this, click the Set Up button at the top of the screen as shown in Figure 22, arrow A, below. On the left hand panel, click Test Condition. This will show the minimum (Beam # Min) and maximum (Beam # Max) time currently set for each beam. Adjust the settings as desired in seconds and click Save.

Note: Check to make sure the Spectrum files are set to one spectrum output for each reading, not an averaged spectrum file. You can verify a spectrum file was created for each run by seeing a spectrum graph in the results window. 

Figure 22. Innov-X Set Up Screen. A. Set Up tab B. Test Condition button C. Test Time area D. Save button


First enter the run number. Then put the cursor in the 'Sample Name' field scan the label with a barcode scanner. Use the barcode scanner labeled SECTION HALF for section halves and the scanner labeled DSICRETE DISCRETE for discrete samples. This will populate the 'Sample Name' and 'Text ID' fields. If measuring a section half enter the 'Offset for SHLF'; leave this field blank for discrete measurements.


The results are displayed immediately upon test completion. Tap the Spectral Plot button to view the spectrum results (Figure 31). Make sure each measurement has its own spectrum results. If results are being averaged the spectrum graph will appear blank.

Figure 31. Completed test and results. Results shown as both a list and as a spectrum. 


The gun writes one file per day that contains all the measurements taken in that 24-hour period. Until that file is exported the measurements are not permanently attached to the file.
Important! If files have not been exported DO NOT disconnect the gun, turn off the software, or turn off the gun; otherwise those un-exported measurements will be lost. For this reason, be sure to keep an eye on remaining battery life (or use the AC power adapter to provide continuous power to the pXRF).

If running from the computer and communication error occurs FIRST export data and then restart system to clear errors. So long as the gun is not unpluged and the data is NOT imported on start up the data should remain/ stored locally. If data is imported when software is restarted the data will be over written and lost, that is why it is best to export both .csv and spm files before clearing errors.

To export a file, click Set Up on the top To export a file, click Set Up on the top right corner of the screen. Click Data Management located on the left hand panel as shown in Figure 32, arrow B.


  • Data File: ExportData-07-23-2017.csv
  • Spectra File: ExportData-07-23-2017.spm

Note Spectra files will defult to (ExportSpm-07-23-2017.csv) in order for MUT to be able to upload data the file needs to be changed to (ExsportData-07-23-2017.spm) before file is exported in order to match the exported .csv file. Figure 33 section D.

Other file types are possible, but are not our normal procedure; talk to the technician if you need a different file type.

Once you have selected the type and set the file name, make sure the values are correct as shown in Figure 33.


In Figure 33, A indicates the date-referenced data files. These can be exported one by one, or multi-selected. (Or, click Select All to highlight and export all of the files, but this will be difficult to sort out.)
Arrow C indicates the destination path. This should always be set to C:\DATA\IN\. Arrow D is the filename; make sure it matches the file format defined above.
Once the data type (we suggest always starting with Data to help prevent mistakes) is selected, the date-referenced results are selected, the path set, and the filename assigned, click Export. Repeat the process for the Spectra file, again making sure the filename is the same as the Data file. The active filetype file type has the red checkmarkcheck mark.
After the files have been exported the measurements are attached to the file. Multiple exports can be done in the same day; however, the measurements will still be written to the same date file.


Keep a close eye out for duplicate lines. It is easy to inadvertently create multiple measurements with the same name, if the Save button isn't pressed when identifying the sample (see Naming the Sample for Measurement, above).
If any changes need to be made to the editable fields or if scientists require a different file type, from the MUT main screen, click Options > Set active analyses… to open the Configure Acitve Active Analyses window as shown in Figure 36. Follow the prompts in the window and select Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis to see the configurable options. The option wheel icon will only appear when the analysis type is on the Active uploaders side and is highlighted.
