Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Select the data type you want to filter (Fig. 2.2-2b).
  • To decimate the selected data type, click the Edit button in the Decimate area (Fig. 2.2-2c).
    • Enter a number in the Show every <N> points to limit the display to every Nth data point.
    • Click the Apply button.
  • To smooth the selected data type, click the Edit button in the Gaussian Smoothing area (Fig. 2.2-2d).
    • Select the type of rolling window: Points or Depth (cm).
      • Enter the number of points in Width in points or cm.
    • Select the display Display option: Smoothed only or Original & Smoothed
      • Note: you can change the color of the smoothed trace in the Display Preferences > Set Colors
    • Click the Apply button
  • To cull the selected data type, click the Edit button in the Cull area (Fig. 2.2-2e). You have to cull type options:
    • The first type of cull is to Cull <x> cm from core topsdata from sample edges.
      • Enter the interval in cm in Cull <x> cm to be culled from each core in the data settops.
    • The second type is to Cull outliers data values greater and/or less than a given value.
      • Enter a value for Cull data values > x
      • Enter a value for Cull data values < x
    • Click the Apply button.

Figure 2.2-2. Three data filtering options on the Data Filter tab: Decimate, Gaussian Smoothing, and Cull. Shown is a 9-point Gaussian filter applied to the magnetic susceptibility data whereby both original and smoothed (white trace overlay) are plotted. The filters can be edited or deleted.

aImage Added   bImage AddedcImage Added   dImage Added   eImage Added


  • Data filters are applied to the data from all cores for a specified data type. For a more specific filtering of known intervals with severe core disturbance, etc., you have the option to apply a file with those intervals specified in the Correlator Downloader application, at the time of data download from the LIMS database.
  • At this time, data culling can only be specified for top of cores (to remove data from “exotic” material washed down from higher up in the hole). A future version will may include culling from core bottoms (“exotic” material “sucked in” when the piston core was removed) and culling from section ends (“edge effect”).
  • Some odd behavior has been observed when deleting a cull filter under certain circumstances, and this has not yet been repaired (no user pressure). An easy workaround is to re-load the data.


  • .

aImage Removed   bImage RemovedcImage Removed   dImage Removed   eImage Removed

Display Preferences tab

This tab offers numerous display options that apply to core shifting and splicing functions (Fig. 2.2-3a). Two new features include the ability to change the display order of the data types, including not showing them (Fig. 2.2-3b) and the ability not to display the data for selected holes (Fig. 2.2-3c). Data ranges can be set numerically for each data type (Fig. 2.2-3d) and visually be adjusting track widths. The color panel is updated so you can adjust the scheme to your liking. Additional check boxes were added to toggle on or off the display of lines, arrows and labels. These options should all be self-explanatory. Load some data, shift some cores, make some splices, and then simply explore the options be clicking around - your selections will not affect the data.

Figure 2.2-3. Display preferences.a   b   c   d  e 

aImage Added   bImage Added   cImage Added   dImage Added   eImage Added

2.3. Application menus

The application menus are rarely needed and presented here for completeness.

2.3.1. File menu

Figure 2.3-1. File menu.

Image Removed

2.3.2. Edit menu

Figure 2.3-2. Edit menu.

Image Removed

2.3.3. View menu

The View menu has a few fundamental display preferences typically not needed. Here we present only the View menu as it has a few low-level display options not available in the Display Preferences tab of the Display view (Fig. 2.3.3-1.) 

Figure 2.3-31. View menu.

Image RemovedImage Added

3. Manage data in Correlator


Figure 3.6-2. Export options. A. Export all raw data for this data type. B. Export all data with CCSF depth column added for this data type. C. Export the splice for this data type.

4. Depth shift cores

4.1. Depth shift concepts, rules and strategies

Affine constraint

The goal of depth shifting is to construct a composite depth below seafloor (CCSF) depth scale by arranging the cores from one or more holes in a way that the combined data better represent the stratigraphy at a site than the cores do at their standard CSF-A depth scales.


Cores retrieved from a single hole do not provide a contiguous representation of the stratigraphy due to technical, operational and environmental reasons. During the late Deep Sea Drilling (DSDP) and early Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) phases of scientific ocean drilling, scientists came to accept that multiple holes needed to be drilled at the same site to achieve complete coverage. With each hole having its own core depth below seafloor (method A) (CSF-A) depth scale to which its cores are tied, the cores form multiple holes need to be shifted such that stratigraphic features in high-resolution core logging data are aligned. All cores from all participating holes can then be tied to a common composite depth below seafloor (CCSF) depth scale. As will be described in the next section, a splice can ultimately be constructed using the most suitable core intervals from the participating holes at the CCSF depth scale.

The specific objective of this first-order hole-to-hole correlation, and the subsequent procedure of creating a sampling splice, is subject to the affine constraint: the cores can only be shifted (translated up or down the CCSF scale) in their entirety.

  • It is well known that each core is to some degree differentially stretched and squeezed as a results of the coring process and subsequent expansion. The affine constraint stipulates that no virtual stretching or squeezing is allowed within a core


  • in an attempt at correct for this artificial distortion.
  • The main reason is that sampling of the physical cores would become


  • prohibitively complicated if the


  • reference data were to be distorted.  
  • The affine method is a practical and effective approach as it creates a “~95%” solution quickly and effectively, whereas resolving the remaining “~5%” of the correlation involves a lot more work and subjectivity and the result is far more difficult to apply.
  • The


  • composite depth scale is therefore defined in an affine table where each core has a cumulative offset, the difference between its CCSF and CSF-A depths.
  • Following the affine constraint, only one stratigraphic feature can be exactly correlated between two cores and assigned the same composite depth. Other correlative features will have somewhat different composite depths.

Shifting methods

Depth shifts can be defined by one of two methods: by creating a tie between two cores (TIE method) or by shifting a fixed amount or percentage of depth (SET method). A core shifted with the SET method can later be shifted by the TIE method, however, cores that are tied (part of a chain) cannot be shifted by the SET method. Cores have a type designation based on the (last) shift method applied: REL, TIE, or SET. These designations are used programmatically to implement the above rules and to control the color of the core data trace.


Because the CCSF scale construction proceeds from top to bottom, “upstream” tie changes, i.e., changing the tie from a SHIFT core to its REF core, are simply forbidden. Upstream tie changes would have undesirable and unintended effects. In such cases, the user needs to decide where to implement the tie change further upstream so the tie break effect is directed downstream. Downstream directed tie changes preserve the ties unless a chain branch must be broken off, which the program can identify and the user can be prompted to accept the consequence or cancel the action. An example will be given below.

Summary of shift rules

  • A core can be depth shifted once or multiple times, resulting in one single cumulative offset, which is the difference between its top depth at the constructed CCSF scale and that at the original CSF-A scale.
  • Cores can be shifted by the TIE method or the SET method.
  • Two cores can be related with only one tie due to core distortion, stratigraphic variations from one hole to the other, and the affine constraint.
  • A core can be REF core to multiple SHIFT cores, however, a SHIFT core can only be shifted by one REF core.
  • Cores related with TIEs form a chain. If a core is the REF core for more than one SHIFT core, chain branches are formed.
  • Upstream tie changes are not allowed. Downstream tie changes are allowed and users will be prompted to accept resulting tie breaks or cancel the action.

Shift types

4.2. Shift cores with the TIE method
