Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The IMS Control panel (Figure 3): Provides access to utilities/editors via drop-down menus.

Image Added

Figure 3. Control Panel Drop Down menus.

START button will allow the user to begin measurements. Section Information window (Figure 4) will pop up.

Figure 4. Section Information Information window.

B. Instrument Calibration


3. Check the saturation value and confirm that is less than 7% (Figure 35). If not, adjust the exposure values and repeat.


To open the XMSL instrument setup window (Figure 14), select Instruments > CameraXMSL: General Setup from the IMS panel menu (Figure 3).  These settings are related to the detector only.


Figure 19. Sample Information Window- Pusher End Sequence View.

7. When the imaging is complete, IMS will automatically process the raw images and output them to the AUX_DATA folder.  These are not the primary processed images, but are available for quick image evaluation.  For more information on IMS image processing, see the Automatic Image Processing section



8. The raw .tif IMS images are automatically saved during image collection to the DATA folder.

IMPORTANT:  IODP provides two methods for processing the raw images:

    1. Automatic Image Processing: A program written in LabVIEW.  Processing is automatically completed by the software after images are collected.  User is able to make adjustments using the Image Process Utility under the Instruments menu.  The processed image is given a scale bar with the correct offset and the core identification information is overlaid at the top of each image.
    2. Manual Image Processing: A program written in “GO”.  User must initiate and control the image processing settings.  Scale bar provided is 1 cm black and white lines along the left side of the image.  A stitching guide is also provided on the processed image.

X-Rays OFF

Figure 20 will be displayed when the X-ray Off command is sent to the CP120.  The window will be displayed until the kV has been confirmed to be at zero.

X-Rays OFF

Figure 20 will be displayed when the X-ray Off command is sent to the CP120.  The window will be displayed until the kV has been confirmed to be at zero.

You will also see this window flash on during X-Ray START when the CP120 fails to respond to the start command.  The X-ray off will reset communications with the CP160 and bring it to a known state which will clear any communication issue.


F. Evaluating your Measurement

G. IMS Utilities


Image Utility

The image utility can be found under Instruments > CameraXMSL: Image Utility (Figure 22).  This utility is useful for determining the proper voltage, current, and integration (exposure) time for imaging cores.  User can also review the processed images in this utility.


Figure 22. General Image Utility User Interface Window.  This utility is used test exposure settings before imaging a section.  The histogram (upper left) will be displayed when the ROI box tool is used and the line profile (lower left) is displayed when the ROI line tool is used.

Automatic Image Processing: Image Process Utility

Image Processing Utility


has the following purpose:

  1. It allows the user to experiment with the processing parameters to determine the correct setting for the desired processed results.  The values can then be saved and use for all subsequent in-line image processing.
  2. The utility can be used to mass reprocess images.

Select Instruments > XMSL:

The raw .tif IMS images are automatically saved during image collection. IODP provides two methods for processing the raw images:

  1. Automatic Image Processing: A program written in LabVIEW.  Processing is automatically completed by the software after images are collected.  User is able to make adjustments using the Image Process Utility under the Instruments menu.  The processed image is given a scale bar with the correct offset and the core identification information is overlaid at the top of each image.
  2. Manual Image Processing: A program written in “GO”.  User must initiate and control the image processing settings.  Scale bar provided is 1 cm black and white lines along the left side of the image.  A stitching guide is also provided on the processed image.

Image Processing Utility has the following purpose:

  1. It allows the user to experiment with the processing parameters to determine the correct setting for the desired processed results.  The values can then be saved and use for all subsequent in-line image processing.
  2. The utility can be used to mass reprocess images.

Select Instruments > Image Process Utility from the IMS panel menu (Figure 113). The user interface will open (Figure 3123).

Figure 31- 23. Image Processing User Interface Window. There screen is divided into 4 main sections. The user may test image processing settings and apply them to any previously collected images or subsequent images. 

Note this is the display after an image has been selected.  If no raw image has been selected or acquired, this window will by blank.

User Interface Layout

The user interface window is divided into four areas.

  1. On the left is a window that will contain the raw source image for the process testing.  This can be load from an existing raw image (click Open Raw Image) or a new acquired image using the x-ray source (click Acquire Image).  The raw image used should be an image taken with the planned exposure parameters.  (Figure 3123)
  2. On the right-hand side is a tab control that will display either the masked image or the final processed image. 
    1. All three image displays will allow you to draw a profile line across the image using the ROI image tools. (Figure 32 24 and 3325)
    2. Any line drawn on one image display will be shown on the others but the content of line profile will only be from the image where the line was drawn.
    3. In the center top of the user interface window is a tab control which allows the user to view the line profile, histogram of the difference image, or the expanded histogram of the processed image.
    4. In the bottom center of the user interface window are the controls for image processing. The software provides for two process variable groups.  The APC parameters are applied to core types “H” and “F” and ROTARY is applied to all other core types.  The Light%, Dark%, Anchor Type and Anchor At controls apply to the histogram expansion and will apply to the images immediately as their values are changed.  The other control values apply to the smoothing process and require that you click either Process APC or Process ROTARY buttons to apply the changes to the processed image displayed.  You’ll to set process variables for both types when drilling an APC/XCB hole. How the process parameters work will be discussed later in this document.


If you want save the process parameters and use them on newly acquired images, click Save Process Values; otherwise click Cancel Changes to revert to the existing values.

Figure 31 23 Image Processing Utility User interface.  The user may test image processing settings and apply them to any previously collected images or subsequent images.  Note this is the display after an image has been selected.  If no raw image has been selected or acquired, this window will by blank.

Figure 32- 24. ROI tool available in the image processing utility.  The histogram or line profile will be displayed when the ROI tool is used.  A line will produced a line profile.  A box will produce a histogram.

Figure 33- 25. Example of ROI tool used on a raw image and the resulting intensity profile.

Getting An Image

Before you can begin experimenting with the settings, you need to open an existing image or acquire a new image. If you are opening an existing image make sure that it is a “raw” image.  If you are acquiring an image make sure that the FPD calibration has been done and the exposure parameters set appropriately.  Click either the Open Raw Image or the Acquire Image button.

Processing Parameters

The processing parameters can be set in any order after completing the “Getting An Image” steps. But the Mask Threshold value must be valid; otherwise subsequent processing steps may fail or produce undesirable results. Also, keep in mind not all combinations of parameters will work.


The image mask is used to isolate the core image from the empty detector’s background, which normally is made up of overexposed pixels that we do not want to process (Figure 3426).   The mask is very dependent on the exposure settings, so any time the exposure values (kV, mA or integration time) change, the Mask Threshold value needs to be reviewed.


Where MaxPX and MinPx determined from the entire image ignoring values equal to 65534 (oversaturated pixels) and n is the user set percentage.

Figure 34- 26. Example image before the mask is applied (left) and after (right)

Image ROI

Using the mask, we locate the right, left, top and bottom edges of the core in the image (Figure 3527).  Using these values we center the core left-to-right and crop the bottom and top as necessary. This is repeated for the original mask, as well.

Figure 35- 27. Selecting the region of interest to exclude the blank detector


Image Smoothing: Flattening                                                                         

The best way to understand the image smoothing process is to look at the pixel intensity profile across the core (Figure 3628). The black line is the profile of the original image. The variation due to the core thickness is greater than the variation due to internal sedimentary structure/particles.  The red line is the same profile after smoothing.

Figure 36- 28. Pixel intensity profile across the core (black line).  Note that the variation due to core thickness is larger than the variation due to sedimentary structure.  The red line is the smoothed profile.

Subtracting the smoothed intensities from the original intensities will produce a difference image that ranges across zero with the resulting profile shown in Figure 3729, removing the effects of the core’s thickness on the image.

Figure 37- 29. Difference Image profile

Next, the difference image is offset by subtracting its minimal value.  This step is necessary to insure that we are working with only positive values.  The above profile shifts as shown in Figure 3830.


Figure 38- 30. Difference Image profile offset to positive values.

The following is description of the image processing in detail:


5. The resulting 2D array is cast back to U16 image (Unsigned 16 bit format), referred to as the difference image.

Trim to Black

This effects how the smoothing operators (above) are applied. If this value is set false, then the above process is applied to the entire mask image including the mask. If it is set to true, then the mask is not processed.  This is important for rotary cores where the edges are irregular and core gaps are common. 

Image Contrast Expansion:

  • The difference image is unusable as the final processed image. The contrast range is very small, its histogram is narrow and the image is nearly uniform gray (Figure 3931). To create a usable image, the contrast must be expanded.
  • U16 images have an intensity range of 0 to 65354 and we will expand the contrast into a 5000 to 60354 intensity interval. 
  • All of the information is contained in a narrow band of intensities.  To locate this band, we need to determine 3 points in the histogram:  the first two points are the indices the histogram values exceed a user specified percentage of the maximum intensity.  These indices are found by searching from the dark side of the histogram (blue cursor) and then the light side (red cursor). The user sets these values using the Dark% and Light % controls (Figure 3123).
  • The third point is either the index of the histogram maximum or the index of the mid-point between the dark and light indices as selected by the user using the Anchor Type control.
  • The user then selects the new intensity value to anchor 3rd point too in the histogram using the Anchor At. The dark side intensities are expanded from this value to 5000 and light side expanded up to the 60353 values.
  • Intensity values below and above the threshold percentage will be compressed into the 0-5000 and 60354-65354 ranges respectively.

Figure 39- 31. Image Contrast Expansion example.  The top image is the difference image prior to the expansion.  Note the overall grey raw image.  In the lower image, the contrast range has been expanded.  The sedimentary structures are now visible within the image.

With the expanded histogram the same cross-core profile shown in Figure 38 will 30 will now look like Figure 4032. Example images of the processing steps are shown in Figure 4133.

 Figure 40-  Figure 32. Cross core profile after expanding the histogram


Figure 41- 33. Original image (left), difference image (raw-smooth) (middle), and the difference (flattened) (right) image with the expanded histogram.

Final Touches

Before saving the image, a scale is generated based on the image center offset and a scaling factor of 109.6 pixels/cm is added to the left-hand side of the image.  A header is then added to the top of the image with the label id, text id and the exposure parameters (kV, mA, integration time and number of images stacked) (Figure 4234).  Processed images are saved to the C:/AUX_DATA folder on the host computer.

Figure 42- 34. Final processed image with header and scale



This process does not require geometry of the system but is based solely on the content of the image to produce a processed image.  This technique is very good at showing fine scale changes in the image.  That means it very good at showing noise and the irregular surface of rotary cores! To produce a good image you need to consider the following:


  1. The axis of the source’s x-ray beam must centered on the detector and perpendicular to its surface.
  2. The pixel to centimeter scaling factor must be determined.  As of X379 this value was determined to be 109.6px/cm when measured at the half-core height. A grid standard is available for use to repeat the measurement
  3. In IMS, you must set the instrument offset to the center row of pixels of the detector.

Manual Image Processing

The raw .tif IMS images are automatically saved during image collection.  IODP provides two methods for processing the raw images.

  1. Manual Image Processing: A program written in “GO”.  User must initiate and control the image processing settings.  Scale bar provided is 1 cm black and white lines along the left side of the image.  A stitching guide is also provided on the processed image.
  2. Automatic Image Processing: A program written in LabVIEW.  Processing is automatically completed by the software after images are collected.  User is able to make adjustments using the Image Process Utility under the Instruments menu.  The processed image is given a scale bar with the correct offset and the core identification information is overlaid at the top of each image.

Manual Image Processing

The IODP processing algorithm is available in a Linux and PC version and can easily be placed on any work station.   This program allows the user to adjust the contrast and change settings related to instrument setup and geometry.  The processing software files (Figure 11) must be placed in a directory above the location of the images to ensure file navigation will work.

These instructions will work for Sherlock (vendor proprietary software for collecting images) or IMS collected .tif images as long as the program is properly configured.  If you are switching between software packages, beware!  The raw images are not identical and settings must be adjusted.  For a more in depth explanation of the math behind this program, follow the Math Documentation link once the program is open in a web browser.  For ease of processing, it is best to have the raw files sorted into the groups that you wish to process together (whole core, single section, etc).

Prior to processing, ensure that the xrayImgProcessing_1.0.1 executable, the static folder, and the setup.cfg are in a folder one level above the location of the images to be processed (Figure 43).  It is recommended that the processing software be placed in the Data folder, (C:\Data). The images will be saved to the C:\Data\In folder.

Image Removed

processing algorithm is available in a Linux and PC version and can easily be placed on any work station.   This program allows the user to adjust the contrast and change settings related to instrument setup and geometry.  The processing software files must be placed in a directory above the location of the images to ensure file navigation will work.

These instructions will work for Sherlock (vendor proprietary software for collecting images) or IMS collected .tif images as long as the program is properly configured.  If you are switching between software packages, beware!  The raw images are not identical and settings must be adjusted.  For a more in depth explanation of the math behind this program, follow the Math Documentation link once the program is open in a web browser.  For ease of processing, it is best to have the raw files sorted into the groups that you wish to process together (whole core, single section, etc).

Prior to processing, ensure that the xrayImgProcessing_1.0.1 executable, the static folder, and the setup.cfg are in a folder one level above the location of the images to be processed (Figure 35).  It is recommended that the processing software be placed in the Data folder, (C:\Data). The images will be saved to the C:\Data\In folder.

Image Added

Figure 35. X-Figure 43- X-ray image processing software files needed for image processing

Process a raw image

  1. Open xrayImgProcessing_windows_1.0.1.exe on a PC (or Linux version on a MAC)
    1. This will trigger a command window to open (Figure 4436).  This command window will display the program status as images are processed. Refer to this screen to review what the processing software is doing or to check for any errors.

Figure 44- 36. IODP processing X-ray Imager software command window

2. Open an internet browser window and enter/copy the local host address, http://localhost:8080/, from the X-ray imager command window

a. The X-ray image processing window should open (Figure 4537).

Figure 45- 37. IODP X-ray imager processing window

3. Select the Processing Settings link under the Navigation heading.  This step is only necessary when first configuring the program or when changing file types.

a. The settings window will open (Figure 4638).

Figure 46- 38. Processing Settings Window


4. Set Instrument Geometry values (Figure 4638):

a. Source height: 65 cm, value will only change if source height is changed physically


5. Set Detector Settings (Figure 4638):

a. If processing IMS raw images:


6. Set Histogram and Core Axis settings (Optional!)

a. See Figure 47 for 39 for default values

b. User can adjust these values, but these settings should not need to be altered in normal operation.

Figure 47- 39. Histogram and Core Axis settings default values

7. Adjust Thickness Compensation settings and scale bar settings (Optional!)

a. See Figure 48 for 40 for default values

b. Thickness compensation:

i. Minimum Core Thickness Used for Compensation: Set at 0.5 as default. Adjust these values to change how the software corrects for core thickness.  XCB and RCB cores are narrower and may require different compensation values than APC and HLAPC cores.  Larger values exclude more of the image from the correction (Figure 4841).

                       ii. Maximum Core Thickness Used to Define the Edges: Adjust this value to change the thickness of the black bars indicating the edges of core diameter.  Set to zero to remove these lines from the processed images.

c. Scale Bar Settings: Adjust these settings to change how the scale bar is projected on the processed image.


Figure 48- 40. Thickness Compensation and Scale Bar Settings Default values

Figure 49- 41. Minimum Core Thickness Compensation Example images.  The compensation values for these images are 0.5 cm (left) and 5 cm (right).  Notice the narrowed corrected image on the right.


8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select SAVE under the update settings header (Figure 4840).

9.  Return to the top of the page and select the Main Page link.  This will return you to the main image processing window (Figure 4638).

10. Under the File Explorer heading, navigate to the location of your files (Figure 4537).

a. The initial address displayed will be the location of the executable file used to open the command window. Ie if you place the xrayImgProcessing_windows_1.0.1.exe and associated files (Figure 43356) in C:\Data, you will only be able to navigate to files that are also stored in the Data folder.


c. Use the arrow at the left side of the screen next to the address to go back a folder.

11. Select the raw .tif files you wish to process


12. Select Get Histogram below the Image Histogram header (Figure 5042).

a. See Troubleshooting section of manual if the histogram appears abnormal (small, bars far apart, etc.)


d. This process may need to be done multiple times to find the best settings.

Figure 50- 42. Image Histogram from x-ray image processing software

14. Adjust the settings under the Process Images header to match with the image setup (Figure 5143).

a. Core Dimensions: Select if the images are for a section half or whole round core


iii. If wide core (7.0 cm) and narrow core (4.0 cm) are in the same image, the processing will need to be done twice, possibly with the images separated into narrow vs wide batches (Figure 5244).

c. Axis Determination: Used to correct for core not being centered over the detector or not being parallel with the sides of the detector when imaged.


ii. If Auto Detect does not produce satisfactory images, use the Set Core Axis option and experiment with settings.

    Figure 51- 43. X-ray image processing screen.  Adjust the core settings and folder name before processing images

Figure 52- 44. Core diameter adjustment example images. This section of core contained full liner with narrowed sediments in between. The left and middle image were processed with the entire section, whereas the image on the right was processed individually. The diameter of the core is set at 7.0 cm in the left image and is set to 6.0 cm in the middle image and right image. Note that in the individually processed image, some smaller clasts are visible.

15. Under the File Name header:


  1. Image edges are dark after manual processing (Figure 5345): The value entered for core diameter is too narrow.  Increase the core diameter value and reprocess the images.

Figure 53- 45. Example of manual processing when the core diameter is set too narrow.

2. No images appear after selecting Process Images: The bit size or pixel length are not set correctly.  Check the command window for error messages and check the settings in the processing settings window.



Transferring Images to Data 1

A. Data Upload Procedure

Images are transferred to Data 1 via a script on the XMSL host PC.  The script copies the output from the XMSL to data1 automatically and is executed via a task scheduler every 30 minutes.

The script:

  • Connects to Data:\Data1\7.3 Petrophysics_XRAY directory
  • Mirrors the Data and AUX_DATA directories on the host PC (currently XMSL is PC53236) to a "Mirror" directory via an Xray eDirectory user-account

IMPORTANT: This is a "one-way" mirror operation. Whatever changes are made to DATA and Aux AUX_DATA directories on the host PC will be mirrored in the location in data1 Data1.  To make the files permanent in the Data1 folder, copy the mirror contents to the base folder periodically.  To make the script more efficient it is also recommended to remove the already copied files from the Data and AUX_ Data folders so they are not copied multiple times.

The script will hang if a user logs into the file servers while the script runs.  No one should log in to the servers on this computer unless absolutely necessary.  Task scheduler will kill the task if the script attempts to run for more than an hour and half.




File Formats


IMS automatically outputs the raw and processed images.  Both file types are .tif images.


A unique time stamp is appended to each image.

B. View and Verify Data

Data can be verify in real time on the XMSL PC, or with a delay of 30 min, on Data1.

C. Retrieve Data from



Images can be copied directly from Data1.

IV. Important Notes

Safety Systems

The x-ray imager has multiple safety systems in place to ensure a user does not operate the system in an unsafe configuration. Never attempt to operate the x-ray source without the proper shielding in place! The safety systems include:


These switches and monitors are wired into one fail safe circuit.

Failsafe Circuit

In order to generate x-rays, a series of safety switches must be closed to complete the circuit between the CP160’s ground (pin 2) and x-ray trigger (pin 4) of the 6-pin external connector.


  • Settings = SafeySys.Mode
  • Trigger = Security

shows Figure 3 46 shows the failsafe circuit and the safety switches involved.  All switches must be closed before the command from the software to generate x-rays will be performed.

Figure 3- 46. Fail safe circuit diagram. 

Visual Indicators

A tri-color tower light (Figure 47) mounted on the lead shielded x-ray box acts as a visual indicator of the x-ray source status.


  • When all three lights are lit, X-rays are on!


Figure 4- 47. Tri-color tower light mounted on the lead shielded x-ray box.  This light acts as a visual indicator of the x-ray source status

Door Switches

Mechanical door switches have been installed on both the port and starboard doors, as well as on the small hatch in the lead lined box (Figure 548).  If any of these switches are open, the communications with the source will be interrupted and the source will not be able to generate x-rays.

Figure 5- 48. Safety switch inside the port door (left), starboard door (middle), and the hatch where the third mechanical switch is located (right).

Active Area Monitor

The purpose of the Active Area Monitor is to provide an independent means of insuring the system’s overall safety.  The monitor consist of two scintillators mounted at either end of the track so that they view the shielding except for the top and bottom (Figure 649).

Two alarms levels can be set.  The low-level alarm will sound a warning beep while the high-level will trigger the strobe light and shut down the x-rays as part of the failsafe circuit. The alarm levels are set as follows:


The goal is to set the alarms high enough so that it does not go off during normal operations with shielding in place; but low enough to immediately sound if the shielding is compromised. The JR X-Ray Imaging System Safety Inspection and Radiation Survey Forms provides the procedures for setting and testing the area monitor alarm level.

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

                                                                                                                               Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

Figure 49. Figure 6- Active area monitor display (left), high level alarm warning light and port side scintillator (middle), starboard scintillator (right).

Emergency Stop Switch

An emergency stop switch is located over the starboard side shielding (Figure 750).  When activated, this switch will interrupt the power to the source and stop the source from generating x-rays as part of the fail safe circuit.

Figure 7-50. X-ray logger Emergency Shut Off Switch. 

Thermal Management

With continuous running, the CP160 can overheat.  The CP160 will shut itself down when the internal tank temperature reaches 55°C.  The IMS software continuously monitors the CP160 temperature and displays on the main acquisition screen.  If the x-ray source temperature exceeds 45°C the x-rays are shut off and the Cool Down Wait… window (Figure 8) is displayed until the temperature drops below 35°C.  Once reaching 35°C the X-ray Start command will be given and acquisition will resume.  The user may abort at any time by clicking the ABORT button.


Figure 8- Cool Down Wait window.  This window will appear if the IMS software detects an x-ray source temperature of 45 degrees C or higher.

V. Appendix


or higher.

V. Appendix

A.1 Health, Safety & Environment


  • Keep extraneous items and body parts away from the moving platform, belt, and motor.
  • The track system has a well-marked emergency stop button to halt the system if needed.
  • Don't insert your hand between the GRA source and the detector
  • Do not attempt to work on the system while a measurement is in progress.
  • Do not lean over or onto the track.
  • Do not stack anything on the track.
  • This analytical system does not require personal protective equipment.

Pollution Prevention

This procedure does not generate heat or gases and requires no containment equipment.

A.2 Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Trouble Shooting


An error message occurs when the user opens the software indicating an invalid calibration for the dark and white images, but the dark and white images are available on the computer.

Verify that the .ini files are referring to valid calibration images that exist in the correct locations.  If the files exist, then check the USB connections to the computer, particularly the USB for the X-ray source.

B.1 IMS Program Structure

a) IMS Program Structure

A Quick Introduction to the IMS Program Structure

IMS is a modular program. Individual modules are as follows:

IMS Program Structure

a) IMS Program Structure

IMS is a modular program. Individual modules are as follows:

  • Config Files: Unique for each track. Used for initialize the track and set up default parameters.
  • Documents: Important Information related with configuration setup.
  • Error: IMS error file.
  • FRIENDS: Systems that use IMS but don't use DAQ Engine.
  • IMS Common: Programs that are used by different instruments.
  • PLUG-INS: Code for each of the instruments. 
  • Projects: Main IMS libraries.
  • Resources: Other information and programs needed to run IMS.
  • UI: User Interface
  • X-CONFIG: .ini files, specifics for each instrument.INST plug-in: code for each of the instruments
  • MOTION plug-in: code Codes for the motion control system.
  • DAQ Engine: code Code that organizes INST and MOTION plug-ins into a track system.

The IMS Main User Interface (IMS-UI) calls these modules, instructs them to initialize, and provides a user interface to their functionality.

The XMSL system, specifically, is built with one INST module (XMSL), one MOTION module, and one DAQ Engine module.The IMS Main User Interface (IMS-UI) calls these modules, instructs them to initialize, and provides a user interface to their functionality, one MOTION module, and one DAQ Engine module.

Each module manages a configuration file that opens the IMS program at the same state it was when previously closed and provides utilities for the user to edit or modify the configuration data and calibration routines.The four buttons on the IMS-UI window provide access to utilities/editors via dropdown menus as shown in Figure 11.


Figure 11- IMS Control Panel Drop down Menus

b) Communication and Control Setup

GOSCAN Hardware Setup for IMS

To use the GOSCAN Flat Panel Detector with IMS it is necessary to make the following hardware configuration in the Window’s Device Manger and in NIMAX.

Device Manager

  1. Login as administrator
  2. In the window, select the Intel 1350 Gigabit Network Connection (that is the NIC that the GOSCAN is connected to) (Figure 6051).
  3. Right click and select properties.
  4. Click advance tab
  5. Select Jumbo Packet and set value to 9014 Bytes.
  6. Click OK


Figure 60- 51.  Device Manager window and jumbo packet setup

NI MAX Configuration


  1. Open NIMAX

2. Select Device and Interfaces>Network Devices> Teledyne DALSA GoScan 1510HR (Figure 6152)

3. Select the Acquisition Attribute tab

4. Set the values as shown in Figure 6253.

5. Make sure that Packet Size is 9004.  Should be able to set this value 9014 (Jumbo Packet Size).  From experience, this would cause instability in the acquisition.

6. Click Save.


61- 52. NIMAX device manager

Figure 62- 53. Acquisition Attributes window.  Set the packet size to 9004.



Programmer’s Note: the value “1727014677” is the alias name used by the LabVIEW code:

NIMAX summary

Most values shown are the default values.  Those highlight are critical to the IMS acquisition.

MAX Configuration Report

3/19/2019 6:12:21 PM

B.2 Motion Control Setup Motion Control Setup


Motion control should be set during initial setup and further changes should not be necessary. Motion control setup can be accessed by selecting Motion > Setup from from the IMS panel menu (Figure 113). The M-Drive Motion Setup control panel will open (Figure 54).

The user may select between four setup panels from this window.

      • Motor and Track Options
      • Fixed Positions
      • Limit and Home Switches
      • Motion Profiles

Figure 54 - . M-Drive Motion Setup

Motor and Track Options


Once these values have been properly set, they should not change. This panel is only for initial setup.


Make sure to use the values shown for the XMSL (Figure 55).

The relationship between motor revolutions and linear motion of the track is defined in this window and is critical to both safe and accurate operation. User should be familiar with the M-Drive motor system prior to adjusting these settings.

  • Select Axis: In the case of the XMSL it is always X.
  • Encoder Pulses/rev: Defined by the manufacturer of the M-Drive as 2048.
  • Screw Pitch: Set to 2.0 (the ratio of 2048 steps per revolution and chain displacement (cm) as a function of the drive gears diameter).
  • Gear Ratio: Set to 4.0.
  • Direction: Counter clockwise rotation moves the tray in a positive direction (from home to end of track).
  • Click the Motion Utility button to open the Motion Utility window (Figure 56) and test the settings. Click Close to exit this window.

Click Accept to save the values or Cancel to return to previous values.

Figure 55 - . XMSL Motor and Track Options Setup Window

Figure 56- . Motion Utility Window

Fixed Positions


Once these values have been properly set, they should not change. This panel is only for initial setup.

In this window the user may define fixed track locations used by IMS motion control. For the XMSL, make sure to use these value unless there has been a physical change to the system (Figure 57).

  • Select Axis: In the case of the XMSL it is always X.
  • Max Section Length: Maximum length of section that can be placed in the track. This value is set to 160 cm.
  • Track Length: Distance in cm between the limit switches. Use the Motion Utility (Figure) to determine this value by moving from limit switch to limit switch.  Currently the value is set at 200 cm.
  • Load and Unload: For the XMSL set to 0. This will always bring the tray back to the sample load end after a measurement sequence.
  • Top-of-Section Switch?: ON
  • Top-of-Section Switch Offset: 158.85
  • Push Past: 5.
  • Fast Past: 5
  • Run Out Switch?: ON.
  • Click the Motion Utiilty button to open the Motion Utility window (Figure 57) and test the settings.
  • Click Close to exit this window.
  • Click Accept to save the settings. Click Cancel to return to previous values.

Note, these values along with the detector position set in the Camera: General Setup under instruments must be accurate for proper motion control. Take care in setting these values.

Figure 57 - . XMSL Fixed Positions Window

Limit and Home Switches


Once these values have been properly set, they should not change. This panel is only for initial setup.

  • This panel is used to define the orientation of the track system, limit switches, and the home switch (Figure 58). The MDrive can be used with either a dedicated Home switch or a limit switch as a home switch. In the case of the XMSL track we use a home switch.
  • Select Axis: In the case of the XMSL it is always X.
  • Select Track and Home Geometry: For the XMSL, select CW look @ CCW Edge
  • Click the Motion Utility button to test the settings.
  • Click Accept to save the settings. Click Cancel to return to previous values.

Figure 58- . XMSL Limit and Home Switches Window

Motion Profiles

The motion profiles window can be used to adjust the speed and acceleration profiles used by the track (Figure 59) for various types of movements.


Click Accept to save the settings. Click Cancel to return to previous values.

Figure 59 - . Motion Profiles Window

C.1 Hardware


The IODP x-ray system is composed of a 120 kV, 1 mA constant potential x-ray source and a detector unit.  The source is a Teledyne ICM CP120B portable x-ray generator with a 0.8 by 0.5 mm focal spot.  The beam angle is 50 by 50 degrees generating a directional cone onto the detector, which is distanced 65 cm from the source.  The detector is a Go-Scan 1510 HR unit composed of an array of CMOS sensors with an active area of 102 by 153 mm and a resolution of 99 microns.

Manual Configuration

You must manually configure Teledyne ICM CP120B prior to closing the shielding.  This needs to be done whenever you replace the source. From the control panel on the source do:

  1. Insert Key and turn on power.  Wait for system to initialize.
  2. Press Menu
  3. Press either the plus or minus buttons unit you see "Settings"
  4. Press Enter and then press the plus key once for each configuration
    • Auto Config = Manual Mode
    • Keep Alive = Disabled
    • English (don't care)
    • Fil(iment) Always On = Enable
    • Bluetooth = some code (ignore)
    • Trig(ger) = Security Enable
    • Com Status = Enable
    • Baud Rate = 9600
    • Long Time = Enable
    • Menu Step = Quick (don't care)
    • Factory = Disabled
    • Back Light = Enable (don't care)
    • External Trig = Disabled
    • Start Button = Disabled
    • Pre-warning = 0 sec
  5. Press Escape


The shielding consists of four sections as shown in Figure 160.  The Source Shield houses the x-ray source and detector. It is constructed with 6-mm of lead with an internal baffle on the unload side of the box.  The exterior corners are covered with 6-mm lead strips and lead vinyl (½-mm) covering the sides. The GRA-MS shield section is constructed with 2-mm of lead with an internal baffle on the load side.

The starboard load end of the track and the port unload end of the track are shielded by  lead vinyl (½-mm) (Figure 261).  Take care when handling the load and unload doors, they are heavy.  On the load side, we have counterweighted the door to hold it open and to take some of the weight.  On the unload door we have mounted magnets to hold it open.  Keep in mind that the vinyl lead shielding is held in place with Velcro and can be dislodge compromising the shielding.

 Figure 1 60. X-ray Image Logger Shielding 

Figure 2- 61. X-ray Image Logger from starboard (left) and port (right).

C.2 System



System Settings



DNS Name




HP Z240 SFF Workstation

Serial Number


Firmware Version

N51 Ver. 01.52

Hardware Revision

Operating System

Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise

System Start Time

3/4/2019 7:24:09 PM


PC53236 - 64 bit Workstationt Image

System Configuration Web Access

Local Only






Teledyne DALSA


Teledyne DALSA GoScan 1510 HR

Serial Number


Attribute CategoriesAttribute Tables





Use hardware value






Grayscale (U16)


Get Newest




System Time






