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Kappabridge User Guide

This document is intended to guide scientists and technicians through the use of the Kappabridge KLY-4 Magnetic Susceptibility meter. Two software packages are available for measuring the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility: AGICO Sufar.exe and AMSspin.
Kappabridge User Guide
AGICO Sufar Software
Start the Sufar Software:
Calibration Measurement:
Holder Measurement:
Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement:
Bulk Susceptibility Measurement:
AMSspin Software
To Start AMSspin:
Calibration Measurement:
Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements
Uploading data to LIMS

AGICO Sufar Software

Sufar.exe does not run on in the new PC operating system, but through the use of DOSbox we are able to simulate the proper operating environment. The following instructions will walk the user through how to launch Sufar.exe and complete measurements.

Start the Sufar Software:

  1. Remove cloth cover from Kappabridge
  2. Unstrap the Kappabridge from the metal pole.
  3. Slide the Kappabridge away from the pole (to the left). The sensors work best with distance from the support pole.
  4. Turn on the power box. The Kappabridge will move into the Up position if not already there.
  5. Open DOSBox 0.74 folder from the desktop (Figure 1).

    Figure 1 DOSbox- 0.74 Desktop Icon
  6. Open DOSbox.exe
    1. In the DOSbox 0.74 window that opens, the curser should be flashing behind the prompt Z:\> All commands will be entered following a prompt of this type. Figure 2 illustrates what the screen will look like after all commands have been entered.

      Figure 2 DOSbox.exe with commands for opening Sufar entered If the directory is correct, user will receive the message "Drive C is mounted as local directory c:\Kappabridge\Agico software\KLY4CS\Sufar\ 
  7. At the prompt Z:\>, enter the command: mount c "c:\Kappabridge\Agico software\KLY4CS\Sufar"
  8. This mounts the C drive and the directories. If Sufar is moved to a different directory, this path will differ.
  9. At the prompt Z:\> enter the command c:
    1. This command changes the current directory from Z to the C drive
  10. At the prompt C:\>, enter the command Sufar.exe

The Sufar program should open, initialize, and be ready for measuring once the main Sufar window is displayed (Figure 3a and b).

Figure 3a Sufar.exe startup window 

Figure 3b Main Sufar Window

Sufar.exe is controlled by the F keys of the keyboard and the arrow keys. The mouse will not work within this program. The number pad to the right of the keyboard will also not work for entering any commands.

Calibration Measurement:

  1. Press F10 to access the auxiliary menu (Aux) in Sufar (Figure 4). When in the Auxillary menu the AUX will be displayed in the grey bar at the top of the window.

    Figure 4 Sufar Auxiliary Menu window
  2. Place the calibration standard (found in the bag on the pole next to Kappabridge) into the Kappabridge holder standing upright (Figure 5).

    Figure 5 Kappabridge Holder with calibration standard.

  3. Press F3 (Cal) to initiate calibration measurement.
    1. The sample holder will move down into the coils and calibration measurement will be completed. The Old and New calibration information will be displayed (Figure 6).

      Figure 6 Calibration window when measurement is complete
  4. To Save the new calibration information press Return
    1. If you do not wish to save, press F9 (Kill) to exit the calibration window

Holder Measurement:

  1. Press F10 to access the auxiliary menu (Aux) in Sufar (Figure 4).
  2. Make sure the Kappabridge holder is empty and clean and that the screw for holding the specimens is secured in place (Figure 7).

    Figure 7 Empty Kappabridge Holder prepared for holder measurement. Note that the screw (indicated by white arrow) must be secured in the holder before starting the measurement. 
  3. Press F4 (Hol)
    1. The holder measurement sequence will begin. Do not touch the holder until the display indicates the measurements are completed.
    2. Flashing values are 'suspicious' values. They may exceed the allowable range of error as determined by AGICO. Often our standard error value for TSus is suspicious, but still very low.  
      1. It is possible to get non-suspicious values for the holder, but it often takes multiple attempts.  It is recommended that no one walk past the Kappabridge during the holder measurements and that the user remain very still.  Do not swivel in the chair or walk around the system.
  4. When the measurement is complete, the display will prompt the user to save (Figure 8).
    1. To save the data press Y. If you do not wish to save, press N.

    Figure 8 Holder Correction window after measurement is complete. For this measurement, the values are considered suspicious and a warning is given.

Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement:

  1. Place a specimen in the holder in position 1.
    1. The specimen should be centered in the holder and secured using the small screw in the right side of the holder.
    2. Use small pieces of foam to help keep the sample secure in the holder.
  2. From the Sufar Main window (Figure 3b), press F1 to initiate Ax1 measurement
    1. The Kappabridge will move the specimen into the measurement region and spin the specimen.
    2. An asterisk will flash above the active measurement during the process. The screen will also display percentage of measurement that is completed (Transferred) and the Range that the Kappabridge is using (Figure 9).
    3. When each measurement finishes, the data will be displayed on the screen (Figure 10).
    4. Monitor the error percentage values as you measure. If they are high, try to remeasure the sample. This can be done by simply pressing the appropriate F command again while the specimen is in the correct position.

    Figure 9 Sufar Display during the AX2 measurement

    Figure 10 Sufar display when Ax1 measurement complete
  3. Place the specimen in position 2
  4. Press the F2 key to initiate the Ax2 measurement. Data will be displayed upon measurement completion.
  5. Place the specimen in position 3
  6. Press the F3 key to initiate the Ax3 measurement. Data will be displayed upon measurement completion.
  7. Press F4 to complete the bulk susceptibility measurement.
    1. The sample should be left in the holder in position 3 for this measurement.
    2. When the measurement is complete, the data for all 3 axes and the bulk susceptibility measurement will be displayed (Figure 11).

      Figure 11 Sufar display after Ax1-Ax3 and bulk susceptibility measurements
  8. Press F5 to evaluate and save the data. If this is the first measurement made Sufar will display Path ? (Figure 12).

    Figure 12 Sufar window requesting path to save data. Window is displayed if F5 is pressed and no file has already been selected
  9. If you wish to save to the current path, press return
    1. If you wish to save to a new path, enter the path now and press return
      1. If the path is invalid, you will be prompted again
      2. The program assumes that the C drive is the location c:\Kappabridge\Agico software\KLY4CS\Sufar
  10. At the prompt Name of file?, enter a file name that is less than 8 characters with no extension (Figure 13).
    1. It is recommended that file names be the Site and Hole i.e. U1508C
    2. If the file name is more than 8 characters, the program will not accept the name.

      Figure 13 Sufar window prompting user to enter a file name with a maximum of eight characters
  11. A new command line is now visible on the screen.
    1. If this is a file with existing measurements, the window will display the number of measurements already in the file, and ask for the new specimen name (Figure 14).
    2. If this is a new file, the window will only display the prompt asking for the specimen name.

      Figure 14 Sufar window prompting user to enter a specimen name or to use the # sign to indicate they wish to put the data in a new file
  12. At the prompt: Specimen name /# enter new file/?, enter the TextID of the sample. Press return
    1. TextIDs are required as sample names for upload.
  13. The Sufar window now displays the options for entering the orientation scheme you wish to use (Figure 15). Enter 1,2, or 3 and press return.
    1. This will likely be number 3, Non-oriented specimen

      Figure 15 Sufar window displaying options for entering specimen orientation information
  14. The specimen data will now be displayed on the screen for you to evaluate (Figure 16). To leave this window, press ESC (the escape key).

    Figure 16 Sufar data evaluation window

  15. Sufar will now display: Output to file (Y/N)? (Figure 17).
    1. Pressing Y and return saves the data. You may also press return as saving the data is the default action
    2. Pressing N and return will result in your data not being saved.

    Figure 17 Sufar display asking user to choose to output data to a file and if they wish to print. 

  16. User is now prompted: Output to printer (Y/N)? (Figure 17). Pressing return will trigger the default response of N (no).
    1.  Entering Y will result in data being sent to a printer
  17. User will be returned to the Main Sufar window (Figure 3b). You may begin the next measurement now by repeating steps one through seven.
    1. The saving process will look different after the first measurement is made. The program will only prompt the user for a specimen name (Figure 18).
    2. If you wish to change the file that the data is saved to, enter # and press return. The display will now show a prompt for a Path (Figure 12).

      Figure 18 Sufar prompt window after initial file has been set
  18. When measurements are completed and the user wishes to switch off the software, press F1 to trigger an Ax1 measurement.
  19. Then press F8 to stop the measurement
  20. Use ctrl + Q to quit the program.
    1. Improperly quitting the program may result in the loss of data.  The last lines of the .ASC file will not be properly written.
  21. Data should now appear in the .ASC file. Check the data file to ensure all data was written properly.
    1. Do not complete measurements with the .ASC file open
    2. Data will not appear in the .ASC file immediately. Data will be written to the .RAN file and transferred to the .ASC file when the program is closed.

Bulk Susceptibility Measurement:

  1. Press F10 to access the AUX menu
  2. Press F1 to initiate Bulk Susceptibility measurements
  3. Sufar will prompt the user to decide if new holder measurement is necessary. Enter Y or N and press return (Figure 19).
    1. The default response is N.

      Figure 19 Prompt Window allowing user to measure the holder before bulk susceptibility measurements 

  4. User is prompted to select to measure in the current field or k-H Curve. Pressing Return will trigger the default response: current field (Figure 20).

    Figure 20 Prompt Window allowing user to select field for bulk susceptibility measurements
  5. Place sample in holder in Position 1.
  6. Enter the Specimen name at the prompt (Figure 21).
  7. Use the TextID as the specimen name

    Figure 21 Bulk Susceptibility Measurement Window
  8. Press Return to initiate the bulk susceptibility measurement
  9. When the measurement is complete, user is prompted for the next specimen. Repeat steps 5 through 7 for all specimens.
  10. When measurements are complete, enter Q and press return (Figure 22).

    Figure 22 Saving Bulk Susceptibility data

  11. User will be prompted to Output the data to a file. Enter Y and press return to save data (Figure 22).
  12. User is prompted for the file path. Press return to use default file path (Figure 22).
  13. At the Name of File? Prompt, enter a file name under 8 characters in length. Recommended file name is Site and Hole (ex. U1517B). Press return (Figure 22).
  14. User is prompted to enter a note. This field can be left blank.
  15. User is prompted to output data on a printer. Enter N.
  16. Data should now be written to a .ky4 file at the path set by the user. Check to make sure the file has been written.

AMSspin Software

AMSspin is a Labview program written by Jeff Gee for Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility measurements. The code has been modified to meet the needs of IODP. For detailed instructions on the use AMSspin and the files written by this program, see the vendor manual AMSspin – A LabVIEW Program for the Kappabridge KLY-4S and KLY-3S paper found in IODP Share\IODP Technical Manuals\Paleomag\Current\Kappabridge. This program is controlled with keyboard keystrokes. Be aware of what menu you are operating in as some keystrokes have multiple uses. AMSspin operational instructions are under construction as of December 2018.  The AMSspin program is undergoing modifications to allow for easy data upload.  AMSspin is not currently available on the Kappabridge PC.

To Start AMSspin:

  1. Remove cloth cover from Kappabridge
  2. Unstrap the Kappabridge from the metal pole
  3. Slide the Kappabridge away from the pole (to the left). The sensors work best with distance from the support pole.
  4. Turn on the power box. The Kappabridge will move into the Up position if not already there.
  5. Open KappaBridge from the desktop.
    1. This is the AMSspin program from Jeff Gee and the icon is a green sphere with two arrows.
  6. The software will open and be ready to run. The Kappabridge is on Com1.
    1. There are three menus on the left hand side of the screen. When the program first opens, menu mode is selected.
  7. Press F to assign the file name and path for saving the measurements. This command will also allow the user to select an existing file.
    1. Once a file is selected, the file name will appear in the Data File blank in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
    2. Data will be saved to this file each time SAVE is selected at the end of a measurement.
    3. User may change this file at any time as long as the Menu mode of AMSspin is active.

Calibration Measurement:

  1. Place the calibration standard cylinder (typically found in a bag on the metal pole) into the Kappabridge sample holder with the cylinder standing up so the flat ends are on the top and bottom (Figure 5).
    1. Tighten the screw so that the specimen does not move, but do not over tighten.
  2. Press the C key of the keyboard. The calibration measurement will begin.
  3. When measurement is complete, press save if the calibration measurement looks good.
    1. Two pop up windows will ask the user if they wish to overwrite the existing files. Select yes for both windows.

Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements

  1. Make sure the sample holder is empty and the screw is securely in the holder (Figure 7). Also check that there are no obstructions in the path of the sample handler.
  2. Press N to name a new specimen and to begin a measurement.
    1. Do not put a sample in the holder at this time.
  3. Enter the TextID as the sample name in the pop up window and select OK.
    1. The TextID is required as the sample name for data upload
  4. After user enters a sample name, the program will move to the Measurement Mode menu (second menu).
    1. The blue bar in the center of the screen above the empty graphs will display "Ready for Sample Holder."
  5. Press the space bar to begin the sample holder measurement.
    1. The sample holder value will be displayed at the top of the screen when the measurement is complete.
  6. Evaluate the sample holder value
    1. The value should be small (E -5 or -6) and should be negative.
    2. If the value is high, the program will allow the user to complete the measurements, but will not allow the user to save the data.
      1. If the value is high, make sure the Kappabridge is away from the pole and that no computers/laptops/metal devices are next to the Kappabridge. Then press R to repeat the sample holder measurement.
      2. If the value looks acceptable, continue to step 6.
  7. Place the sample in the sample holder following the orientation scheme shown on the front of the Kappabridge and press the space bar to initiate the measurement.
    1. Between any of the measurements the user may:
      1. Repeat a measurement (press R).
      2. Start the measurement process over (press S).
      3. Return to the main menu (press M)
  8. When the holder returns to the up position, rotate the specimen to the second position and then press the space bar to initiate the measurement.
  9. When the holder returns to the up position, rotate the specimen to the third position and then press the space bar to initiate the measurement.
  10. When the holder returns to the up position, press space bar to initiate the bulk susceptibility measurement. The sample should remain in position 3 for the bulk susceptibility measurement.
  11. When bulk susceptibility is complete, the program will automatically move you to the third menu, Data Mode. You can choose to:
    1. Discard (D) the measurement
    2. Remeasure (R) the specimen. This option allows you to select which of the positions you wish to remeasure.
    3. Modify (M) the sample name. This option allows you to change the sample name before saving the data.
    4. Save (S) the measurement
  12. Press S to save.
    1. If a file is already selected, the new data will be added to the file.
    2. If no file name was assigned at the start of the measurement, the program will prompt the user to designate a file name or select a file.
  13. When the save is complete, the user is returned to the main menu.
  14. User may save the current holder value at this time by pressing H.
    1. This will save the holder value and you will not need to remeasure the holder for every specimen.
    2. When the holder measurement is being held it will say "OLD" under the Save SH heading at the top of the screen.
  15. To continue measurements, press N to assign the next sample name.
  16. If the holder value is saved, place the next specimen in position 1 and continue the measurements as in steps 6-11.
  17. Continue this process for each sample.

To stop the program press the red STOP button.

Uploading data to LIMS

Uploads are completed using the MegaUploadaTron (MUT) application. For Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility measurements, MUT requires an .asc and a .ran file. MUT only accepts the AGICO Sufar program data files.  To upload bulk susceptibility files, MUT requires the .ky4 file.

Currently the AMSspin data can not be uploaded. 
To complete an upload, place the files to be uploaded in the IN folder and select upload. MUT will not recognize if the same file has already been uploaded.  This will result in duplicate data being uploaded.
The Text ID must be the sample name for upload to work.  It is not possible to edit the names after the fact because the names need to be altered in the .ran file.

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